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apparently been in contact with personnel and had filled out the <br />crash report as required by County policy. She also apparently is <br />filling out a Workmen's Compensation claim because of the doctor's <br />visit and the expense of the examination and the prescription. <br /> <br />After reviewing my notes, I then contacted OFFICER SHERRI ARNOLD of <br />the Fargo Police Department. She basically told me the same <br />information that I had received from NORMA FROHBERG. The only <br />difference between the motor re~-ving and what she told SHERRI <br />ARNOLD was that the engine surged, otherwise the story is the same. <br />She came in from the west driving east, went north, did a U-turn <br />coming back south toward the building. She told me the engine <br />rewed up by itself. She told SHERRI ARNOLD the engine surged. By <br />the time she was able to hit the brake, she was already up against <br />the wall with the air bag apparently in an inflated position. The <br />accident form and paperwork is on file at the Fargo Police <br />Department. <br /> <br />Unless further requests are received by this officer from SHERIFF <br />RUDNICK, no further investigation will be completed. This case will <br />be considered closed. <br /> <br />DETECTIVE DF2%N WAWERS <br />Investigation Division <br /> <br />DW/sp <br /> <br />cc: Sheriff Don Rudnick <br /> Cass County Auditor Michael Montplaisir <br /> <br /> <br />