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Commission Minutes--Janua~/4. !999 <br /> <br />Interstate 94 and their business near Tower City in the spring of 1999, <br />contingent upon Pek Ag Service~ ;eying a fee of $750.00: this beino <br />whh the understanding that the action is approved for one year <br />itwitl be reviewed again in November or December, 1999. On roll call <br />vote, motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />ABATEMENT APPLICATION, Denied for Orville lwen <br />The Board continued discussion frcm the October 5, 1998, meeting on the abatement <br />application of Orr e Iwen, Amenia, North Dakota. for his prcperty located in Section 12. Amenia <br />Township, and Section 20, Wiser Township. Frank Klein, Director of Tax Equalization, was <br />present, as weil as Mr. lwen. Also present ,,vas Count,/Engineer, Keith Berndt, who has been <br />involved in the drainage concerns. <br /> <br />Mr. Klein said a meeting was held on December 15, 1998, with Mr. Iwen, Commissioner John <br />Meyer, IVlr. Berndt, the Water Resource Board and ' ; <br /> ~he,r engineer, Jeff Volk of Moc~e <br />Engineering, to discuss possible solutions to Mr. lwen's flooding problems. <br /> <br />Last October, the Count,/Highway Deparzment installed gates on the culve~s through County <br />Road ¢4 to prevent water from backin(: onto Mr. Iwen's land in Amenia Township at a cost of <br />about $1,000 paid by the County, according to Mr. Klein. Also, a bridge serving the field <br />access between Sections 20 and 21 of Wiser Township was replaced with a laroe culvert at a <br />ccst of $42,000. According to a memcrancum to the County Commission fro~ Keith Berndt <br />dated October 29, 1998, the North Cass Water Resource District is paying 60°,/0 since the bridge <br />was on a legal drain and Cass County is paying 40% of that cost. ' <br /> <br />It is Mr. Klein's recommendation that the abatement be denied until such time as Mr. lwen can <br />show that the drainage prcblems on his land are incurable; and that ~lr. Iwen should continue <br />to work with the respective water resource boards in regard to ~is drainage issues. Mr. KIein <br />said the Water Resource Bcard was var/helpful and offered further assistance to Mr. Iwen. <br /> <br />Mr. Iwen addressed the board at this time and discussed drainage iss{:es. He said the culvert <br />in Wiser Township will not help his situation until Drain #25 is restructured, and that will not be <br />done until Drain ¢13 is improved. Mrs. Quick asked Mr. Berndt to resoond, and Mr. Berndt said <br />the Water Resource District is considering some overall drainage improvements but the future <br />of that is uncertain. He said the bridge in Wiser Township was replaced with a culvert because <br />it was in poor condition; and this was done to resolve Mr. Iwen's field access problem. <br /> <br />Mr. lwen then referred to the Amenia Township situation, and Mr. Bemdt said Mr. Iwen is <br />proposing to do some additional diking along State Highway ¢~18, and the Water Resource <br />District has explained the procedure to him. Mr. Meyer said township officers from both Amenia <br />Township and Wiser Township were present at the December 15'~ Water Resource District <br />meeting where it was suggested that Mr. Iwen have a survey done of his land. Mr. Klein said <br />it was his understanding from that meeting that the Water Resource Board wants Mr. Iwen to <br />have a professional survey done of the drainage ditch elevations to determine if it has the <br />proper slope before they would approve of any diking application made by him to the State <br />Water Commission. Mr. Iwen said a Soil Conservation survey had been done, however, Mr. <br />Meyer said that survey is over 20 yea~s old. <br /> <br /> <br />