County Commission
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<br />Commission Minutes--February 4, 2002 2411 <br /> <br />U.S. Marshal's Service--Intergovernmental Service Agreement for boarding federal <br />prisoners; <br />IBM--renew hardware support contract for the AS400; <br />North Dakota Department of Transportation--railroad/highway crossing upgrades on <br />Cass County Highway 2 three miles south of Grandin and on Cass County Highway 3 <br />three miles east of Buffalo; <br />Barnes County Correctional Facility--boarding of prisoners; <br />Mark A. Beauchene--for indigent defendants in mental health proceedings. <br /> <br />7. FARGO CASS COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, Contract for <br />services for "Pilot Proaram" aDD roved <br />Tony Grindberg, Executive Vice President of the Fargo Cass County Economic Development <br />Corporation (FCCEDC), was present to update Commissioners on the "pilot" skills development <br />program. The Board was aware that Mr. Grindberg will begin a new job in about two weeks as <br />Executive Director of the North Dakota State University's new Research and Technology Park. <br />He assured the Board he will continue to be involved in some projects through FCCEDC to <br />ensure continuity, including the pilot program to increase the skill levels of the under employed <br />and the refugee population. <br /> <br />Mr. Grindberg referred to his letter of January 14, 2002, which identifies the goals for each <br />quarter in 2002. The first objective includes hiring a training coordinator, and he said they are <br />considering hiring Jane Hewitt, who was present today. Also present were Dr. Jerry Migler, <br />North Dakota State College of Science, and Kathy Hogan, Social Services Director. NDSU and <br />NDSCS own the Skills and Technology Center, which is a partner in the pilot project. Kathy <br />Hogan is a member of the skills development task force. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner suggested adding language to the contract that reflects the 2002 plan prepared by <br />the task force and explained by Mr. Grindberg today. In accordance with that plan, the county <br />will receive quarterly reports, which will be due at the end of each quarter on a calendar-year <br />basis. Also, the payment schedule will be $25,000 for the first quarter, $40,000 for the second <br />quarter and $17,500 each for the third and fourth quarters. Mr. Grindberg was agreeable to <br />include these items in the Scope of Service and Compensation sections of the contract so the <br />language will match the task force plan. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Meyer moved and Mrs. Sorum seconded to authorize the chairman <br />to sign a Grant Agreement with the Fargo Cass County Economic <br />Development Corporation concerning the "Pilot" Skills Development <br />Program. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />8. NORTH DAKOTA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES, County-wide technoloav Dlan aDDroved <br />Mark Johnson, Executive Director, Terry Traynor, Assistant Director, and technology staff Mike <br />Abel, Joe Kramer and Terry Schmaltz were present from the North Dakota Association of <br />Counties (NDACo) to discuss a county-wide technology plan for Cass County. A proposal was <br />received by e-mail last Friday afternoon to design and implement a planning process that will <br />provide a blueprint for Cass County Government's information technology efforts and create a <br />road map for continuing the planning process into the future. <br /> <br />The project would include discussion and definition of the role of the Information Services (IS) <br />Department, review of the county's network, systems and applications, identification of internal <br />and external customer connection requirements, assessment and prioritization of current and <br />
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