County Commission
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<br />Commission Minutes--October 15, 2001 2368 <br /> <br />County to spend up to $21,294.50 for the additional overhead. On roll <br />_ call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />11. JAIL TRANSITION TEAM, Proiect trailer to remain on site until further review <br />At the last Commission meeting, the Board discussed the possibility of discontinuing the rental <br />of the trailer used by the transition team at the new jail site and moving the staff back to the <br />Courthouse to the same space they used at the beginning of the project. Bonnie Johnson said <br />this topic came up at the last Commission meeting when the Board talked about grading and <br />lawn seeding in the area around the trailer. She said an area in the new jail could be set up for <br />day-to-day work by the transition team while they are at the site. <br /> <br />Commissioners received a letter last Friday from Sheriff Don Rudnick requesting that every <br />effort be made to keep the transition team at their present location in the trailer at the jail site. <br />Sheriff Rudnick addressed the Board at this time and said he believes moving the transition <br />team from the construction site will have a negative impact on a successful transition from the <br />old jail to the new jail. He said the Jail Consultant, Jim Rowenhorst, recommended that the <br />transition team work at the site. <br /> <br />Sheriff Rudnick said the transition team has worked hard to develop various scenarios, which <br />the consultant is rewriting into a policies and procedures manual. The transition team is on <br />schedule with scenario development, however, the Sheriff said they are waiting for policy returns <br />from Mr. Rowenhorst. <br /> <br />_ Mrs. Schneider asked about the budget for the trailer, and Michael Montplaisir, County Auditor, <br />said there are funds budgeted to pay for the trailer rental through March, 2002. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner asked how many job trailers are still on the site, and Mrs. Johnson said the <br />construction companies have moved their trailers from the front. There are storage trailers in <br />the back. <br /> <br />Mr. Wieland said he favors leaving the transition team trailer at the jail site since there is money <br />in the budget for that purpose, and he feels the team can be more productive by not traveling <br />back and forth from the Courthouse to the job site. He said the transition team is writing very <br />detailed scenarios, and they are doing a good job. Further, he recommended that the transition <br />team bring the Information Services programmer to the site occasionally for a hands-on <br />approach to writing the programs that will be used when the new jail is operational. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />With the delay in the construction schedule, Mr. Wieland suggested a review in the next 60-90 <br />days of the job trailer situation and a more current review of transition team downtime. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Wieland moved and Mrs. Sorum seconded to leave the Cass <br />County Jail project trailer at the site. Discussion: Mr. Wagner said he <br />does not think it is productive to keep the trailer on site because of <br />the added expense of heating it, coming back to grade and seed this <br />area next year, and the monthly rental. Mrs. Schneider agreed with <br />Mr. Wieland that the transition team should remain on the site, <br />however, she favors setting up a specific location within the new <br />facility for their daily work. At the call for the question and upon roll <br />call vote, the motion carried with three members voting "Aye"; Mrs. <br />Schneider and Mr. Wagner opposing. <br />
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