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<br />Commission Minutes--March 21,2005 2876 <br /> <br />Mr. Pawluk believes it is appropriate to move forward and complete the details of the plan. <br />He said this has been no small process to get to this point, and there has been involvement <br />by a number of people and a lot of thought has gone into the plan thus far. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Pawluk moved and Mr. Wagner seconded to approve second reading <br />of an ordinance for the adoption of the Cass County Comprehensive Plan <br />Goals, Objectives and Policies. Discussion: Mr. Bennett feels the goals <br />and objectives may need to become more appropriate, more positive and <br />more growth initiated. Mrs. Sorum said she does not see the urgency in <br />adopting the ordinance without knowing the details. At the call for the <br />question and on roll call vote, the motion carried with three members <br />voting "Aye"; Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Sorum opposing. <br /> <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Wagner moved and Mr. Pawluk seconded to establish a sub- <br />committee consisting of the county planning commission members, <br />representatives from the banking industry and the home builders <br />association, and a developer to work with Keith Berndt, County Engineer, <br />on implementation of the ordinance; and that Ken Pawluk be appointed <br />to chair the subcommittee group. Discussion: Mr. Pawluk asked about a <br />timeframe; and Mr. Vanyo said he believes it will take some time to <br />complete. Mr. Berndt suggested a goal of 90 days for the planning <br />commission to consider a draft subdivision ordinance and six months to <br />bring something back to the county commission. On roll call vote, the <br />motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Mr. Vanyo asked Mr. Dabbert to provide the name of a representative from the Home <br />Builders Association to serve on the subcommittee. He asked David Wyum to <br />represent developers, and Mr. Wyum agreed to serve on the committee. Mr. Vanyo <br />asked commissioners to contact him about a representative of the banking industry. <br /> <br />12. JAIL EXPANSION, Contract for the addition of two housinQ pods <br />Bonnie Johnson, County Coordinator, gave an update on the proposed jail expansion <br />project and a draft contract with Foss Associates, who provided architectural services for the <br />initial jail construction. From the time the new jail was built and first occupied in September, <br />2002, the county anticipated adding two pods in about five year's time. If the board elects to <br />proceed with the expansion now, a construction timeframe shows the new pods would open <br />January 1, 2007. The total estimated cost of the jail expansion is in county reserve funds <br />collected from the one-half cent sales tax approved by county voters. <br /> <br />Mrs. Johnson said she reviewed the proposal prior to today's meeting with Commissioner <br />Bennett, who holds the jail portfolio. Mr. Bennett said he is supportive of the two-pod <br />expansion and seeking bids on the project. <br /> <br />Sheriff Don Rudnick and Jail Administrator Glenn Ellingsberg were present at today's <br />meeting. Mr. Ellingsberg said the jail population is around 200 inmates now, and he would <br />anticipate seeing an increase in the next couple of years. He believes the timing is right for <br />planning the expansion at this time. <br />