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<br />.' <br /> <br />Wr_tU'J._NTY DEED - Co:::-?ora-::ion to Corporation <br /> <br />THIS :IHDLl1TURE, <br />bet~een Cass County, <br />grantor, ~hether one <br />tion, a Horth D2.r:ota <br />or more, and ~hose <br />Fargo, North Dakota <br /> <br />Hade this d2.Y of January, 2005, <br />North Oa:-:ot2., a municipal corpora tlon, <br />or nore, and :Ked River Valley :Fair ;'.ssocia- <br />non-prOfit co~or2tion, grantee, vhether one <br />post office c.dd:::-ess is P.O. Box 797, West <br />58078. <br /> <br />WITNESSETH, For and in conside:::-ation of the sum One Dollar <br />($1.00) and other good and vall.-"able consideration, srantor does <br />hereby G?J._"IT to the grantee, all of the following real property <br />lying and being in the County of Cass, State of North Da}:ota, and <br />described as follo1..>s, to-vit: <br /> <br />A tract of land situated in t~e Northwest Quarter (HW~) <br />of Section 7 in TD\..'nshi!=, 139 North, Range 49 ..lest of the <br />Fifth Principal Meridian, Cass County, North Dakota, and <br />more fully described as ::ollo1..>s: co=encing et the <br />nor:::h1..>est section corne:::- of said Section 7, thence <br />southerly on the ....est section line of said Section 7 a <br />distance of 1241 feet to the !=Joint of beginning; thence <br />easterly Dna 90' deflection 'to the left a distence of <br />1100 feet; thence southerly on a 90' deflection to the <br />right a distance of BSS feet; thence 1..>es-::erly on a 90" <br />deflec-::ion to the risht a of 1100 feet to the <br />....est section line of said Section 7; thence northerly on <br />the ....est section line of said section 7 a distance of aa5 <br />feet to the point of beginning. Said tract contains <br />22.35 acres I:lo:::-e Dr less. Subject to road right-of-wa.y <br />and easements of record. <br /> <br />And t~e grantor for itself, i~s s~ccessors and assigns, does <br />covenan-:: ,;i-::.h the g:::-ar.tee that it .is .....ell seized in fee of the land <br />and prenises afa:::-eseid and has good risht "c.o sell and convey the <br />same in wanner and :orrn aforesaid; -::hat the sene f:::-ee f:::-om all <br />incUlllbrances, except install:::len"t.s of special assessments or <br />assessmen-::s for s':Jecial inprove::lents .....hich heve not been certified <br />to the County Tr-eesurer for collection, and "c.he above granted <br />lands and p:::-enises in the quie"t. and peaceeble possession of the <br />grantee against all persons la,;fl.-"lly claiming or to claiI:l the ....hole <br />or any part the:::-eof, the gran-::or ..-ill .....arrant and defend. <br /> <br />IN TEST!MONY WP.~~OF, -::he g:::-antor has caused these presents <br />to be exec1.:ted i;1 its corpo::-ate na::le by its Chai~an of the Board <br />at: Coun"c.y Comtlissione:::-s and its Al.-"di tor. <br /> <br />c.;ss COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA <br /> <br />3y: <br /> <br />Its: Chai~an of Board of <br />Coun-::y COI:lmissione:::-s <br /> <br />3y: <br /> <br />Its: County Auditor <br /> <br />state of North Dakota <br /> <br />County of Cass <br /> <br />On th:s _ day of <br />appeared <br />to me to be the Chair>:lan' ,of <br /> <br />Ja:11.:2.::-.I, 2005, before ne personally <br />and , kno.....n <br />the 30ard of the Cass County Commis- <br /> <br />-'~' ~ _:.::1 ~\1'~1 <br />.~ .. .~} }::{;~. I <br />') .' '" .\ I <br />If ,:"1.:.r "1 n tl-' 1 <br />b.:f';;.jlj~~ . <br /> <br />6. <br /> <br />1. <br /> <br />t""_.~J_ <br /> <br />::;j;~ <br />