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<br />QUIT CLAIM DEED - CO~?o~~tion to Co~poration <br /> <br />THIS IFD:t:FTliKE, l1~de this d~y of j'lerch, 1994, bet'~'een <br />Red River Valley Fair r.ssociaticn, a Horth D~kota non-profit <br />corporation, g~~ntor, ~hether one or nore, and CeSS County, North <br />Dakota, a ~unicipal corporation, srarltee, whether one Dr r.lore, <br />whose post office address is P.O. Box 2806, Cass County Courthouse, <br />Fargo, North Dakota 58103. <br /> <br />For and in consider~tion of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and <br />other good end valu~:!::lle conside~aticn, grantor Goes hereby QUIT <br />CLAIM to the gr~ntee all of the !ollo~ing real property lying and <br />being in the County of Cess, ~nd state of North Da}~ota, and <br />described as follo\.ls, to-~it: <br /> <br />A tract Df land situated in the North~est Quarter (NW~) <br />of SectiDn 7 in To~nship 139 North, Range ~9 West of the <br />Fifth Principal Meridian, Cass County, North Dekota, ~nd <br />more fully described as follo\,:s: cor.mencing at the <br />north....est section co~ner of said Section 7, thence <br />southerly on the west section line of said Section 7 a <br />distance of 1241 feet to the point of beginning; thence <br />easterly on a 90' deflection to the left a distance of <br />1100 feet; thence southerly on a 90. deflection to the <br />right'a distance of 885 feet; thence westerly on a 90. <br />deflection to the right a distance of 1100 feet to the <br />west section line of said Section 7; thence northerly on <br />the west section line of said Section 7 a distance of 885 <br />feet to the point of beginning. Said tract contains <br />22.35 acres nore or less. Subject to road risht-of-~ay <br />and eese~ents of record. <br /> <br />This c::mveyance is su'::lject to the follo'wing covenant ;:hich <br />will r~1 ~ith the land: <br /> <br />It is further unde~stood and ~greed that neither the Red <br />River Valley Fair Associa-cion nor Cass CourJty, North <br />Dakota, a municipal co::-po::-a-cion, shall have the pO'wer to <br />sell, transfer, nortgage or deed said real property Dr <br />any part Dr portion thereof, except by and with the joint <br />consent and approval of both Cass County, North Dakota, <br />a rnurJicipal corporation, and the Red River Valley Fair <br />Association, a co::-poration, nor shall either party <br />without the consent or a??rcval of the other, pe~it Dr <br />allo\ol any lien to attach the::-eto; the Red River Valley <br />Fair Association shall be entitled to the possession of <br />said property for its corporate uses and pu::-poses. Red <br />River Valley Fair Association shall permit said premises <br />to be used outside of ?ai:;:- ti;;le for any agricultural, <br />fa~ing or livestock exhibition or exposition, and said <br />premises ~ay be used for othe:= public, county or civic <br />purposes agreed to by Cass County, North Dakota, and the <br />Red River Valley Fair Association. <br /> <br />It is further understood and agreed that if, with the <br />joint consent of "o:.he parties, said real estate 0:;:- any <br />part or portion thereof is sold or conveyed, such <br />proceeds shall be deposited in the Cass County Fair F1.:nd, <br />but shall be made available to Red River Valley Fair <br />Association for the corpo::-ate purposes of said Ked River <br />Valley cair Association. <br /> <br />It is further understood a;-;d agreed thet in the event <br />that said Red River Valley Fair Association shall fully <br />and per~anently te~inate its corporate activities, and <br />if its corporate existence be dissolved or ter!:linated by <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />'r-', ~':f S<:: :\-:-:-~18~~ <br />I '_...:i "- <br />. r"', {". ,'-".~. \. \:~ . <br />l. J=-;;': - ,.; '::1 i:; <br />j...., "..,:~ r. U :"""J~ <br /> <br />r- <br />