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<br />And the grantor for itself, i~s successors and assigns, does <br />covenant ;.Jith the grantee that it is ...;ell seized in fee of the lend <br />and premises e.foresaid and hes good right to sell e.nd convey the <br />same in manner and form aforesaid; that the scme are free from all <br />incumbrances, except installments of spec~21 assessments or <br />,assessment.s for. special improvt'ments 'W'hic!1 have not been certified <br />to the County Treasurer tor collection, and the above grant e=d lands <br />and premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the grantee <br />agains~ all persons lc.;.Jfully claiming or to claim the 'yJhole or any <br />part thereof, the grantor ;.Jill 'yJarrant and defend. <br /> <br />It is further specifically unders:'Dod a;1d agreed by and <br />between the parties the.t part of the consideration for this <br />conveyance is that grantor shall be solely respons ible for all <br />special assessments heretofore or hereafter levied or asS essed <br />against the real pro?erty described h~rein so long as the speciel <br />assessment improvement project results in the initial certification <br />of the first installment of such special assessment improvement <br />project to the county auditor on or before January 1, 2007. <br />Grantor specifically agrees to pe.y, before pene.lty attaches, all <br />installments of any such special assessment improvement prDject <br />until all installments of such sDecial aSSE:-ssment irnnrDvernent <br />p;oject are paid in full. ~ - <br /> <br />IN TESTH!ONY h'lE?EOF, the grantor has ccused these presents to <br />be executed in its corporate nama by its Chairman of the Board of <br />County Commissioners and its Aucitor. <br /> <br />By: <br /> <br />COUNT"C NO?T~ D;'30TA <br />/~ . / / ,,) 1 <br />/ ~ J1 t:="f_/ L ..{~("-L/-L'-"- (. <br />Aron Wielc.nd <br />Its: Chairman o~ Board of <br />County Co~~issioners <br /> <br />C;'.5 S <br /> <br />3y:~1~~f~~~. <br /> <br />~ichael ~on~plaiser <br />Its: County Auditor <br /> <br />State of North Dakota <br /> <br />County of C:'ls~ <br /> <br />f? p".; t <br />Oil this lath day of -5-0.-'."'-:', 1~92, be:ore ne persDnally <br />appeared Alon Wieland and Michael ~ont?laiser, kno~n to me to be <br />the Chairman of the Board of the Cass County Commissioners and the <br />County Auditor of Cass County, North Dakota, the persons described <br />in, and ~ho executed the within 2:1d foregoing instrument, and <br />ackno~ledged that such municipal corporation execu~ed the same. <br />