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<br />~--I ,) c:: 0 ? <br />( I .-.-.....10.-' <br /> <br />I-IA??.r.NTY DE:E:D - CO:cpo:ce.::.i.o~ ".:.0 Co:coo:.-e::.icn <br /> <br />/_~ f1p~1 <br />THIS INDE:NTU?E, this 0'/1 ce.y of c-r:"'-~_j / 1992, bet'oJeen <br />Cass County, North Daxct.;;, a ~~icipe.l cO:C;JO:'-2tion, grantor, <br />whether one or mo:rp., e.:ld R~d hi. vec: Velley Feir J.o.ssocietion, a North <br />De.kota non-profit cc:cporaticn, S=="tee, wne".:.f,e:c O:le o:c Do::ce, whose <br />post office .:.dd:res s i.s ? O. 3c=-: 797, viest rc::cgo, 1,o::cth Da}:ota <br />58078. <br /> <br />WITNESSETH, For 2nd in cor.sice::Cetion of the SLJl7\ One Dollar <br />($1.00) and othe:c gooe end ':e.l'.1c.~le cOilsicl.e:Cction, g::-antor does <br />hereby GRANT to the s=antee, ell 0: the follc',.,1ing real property <br />lying and beiJlg in :':'1e Ccun'::y 0::, Ste.te of No:cth De.}:ota, and <br />described e.s follows, to-wit: <br /> <br />All that p2.:ct of the No::ct!':~'es":. Que.::-te:;: (YY;~) of Section <br />Seven (7) in To.....nship Or:e ::-...:n:::::-ed Thi::-ty-nine (139) North <br />of Range Forty-niTle (49) ;'ies":. of the Fifth P:rincipal <br />Meridie.n, CeSS County f N;:)r":.h De.:o;:ote., and lying ylest of <br />the cente:cli:le of D:::::.5..n No. 21, except the fol10'~' <br />= :rom the No::-th',.,1est C::lrTle::- of Sect5..on 7, <br />To~n5hip 139 No:rth, Renge ~g West of the Fifth <br />P::incipe.l Me::-idian, C2SS Co-...:nty, No::th Dako~a, <br />bee.!' SDut.h 69004'05" =:25":. (assumed bea::inc;) <br />clo::g the ?~o=-th Li 71e 0:: Sec::tion 7 fa:: 2 <br />diste.nce of 1025.21 fee":.; thence bee.::- South <br />OO~56'05" 'ties-t for 2 dist2nce of 120 :feet to <br />the ?oint of 3egiTln.5..n9 of ":.he -t::act of land <br />he::ein desc::i::,ed; the:;.ce South 00056' 05" \'ies t <br />for a distance of 1145.49 feet; the"ce South <br />89012'09" Eest for a c::is-te.Tlce of 641.01 feet, <br />mo::-e or less, to a point 0;1 the -riest R.ight of <br />We.y Line for Cot::1t.y Ditch 21j <br />thence r.o::-theast.e::-ly se.i.d c.i.tch \Yes":. <br />Right of \)'ay liTle to a point. of intersection <br />\-'ith a line that lies ' with e.nd 120.00 <br />feet so\;t.h of the 1\0::-=:':. Line of said Section <br />7 i thence No:::-t.h 89004' 0 S" West e..long line <br />for a diste..nce of 95L.83 feet, ;;\o=e or less, <br />to the Point of 3egin:-:.i:lg. Said tract of land <br />contains 22.3 acres, 1":1O::-e or less, a"d is <br />subject to easements 0= reco::-d. <br /> <br />AND <br /> <br />The No=theeSt. Que..::-ter (!~:::~) of :3ectio;'l <br />TownshifJ One n,-":1d::-ed Thi::-":.y-:1ine (139) <br />Fifty (SO) l';est. of the =i:t.~ P:;:inci:Je.l <br />. County, ?;orth De.};ota. - <br /> <br />T'..:ebe (12) in <br />N':l::-th 0 f Ra::lge <br />1<e::idie.n, Cass <br /> <br />~ c- -::. J' 1\- '3 Q r:::::>. ~~~ <br />:r-- ,~~ .. h" !i !J I Jl <br />, '..", I: l (-:1 <br />t~._"l .~: \.:'1 :1 &1-" t U <br />~ .l "-.\ ;.', ~ ,. <br />~,;j" ~~ ~ u ~ <br /> <br />t <br /> <br />..:-...~ <br /> <br />". ". <br />. " <br />