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<br />poi;!t 0: beginT1ing. scid t::-~ct contains 22.35 ccres DOLe <br />or less. Subject to rocd ::-igr.t-of-\.:cy cr.d ecse:!Jents oi: <br />reco:;:-c. <br /> <br />Tne:;:-ecfter, pu:;:-suant to 2.n ;"gree:cent dated l,pril 5, 2.992, scic <br />real property [end othe::::- ::::-e2.1 ::::::-oDer::y] vas conveyed to t.he Red <br />Rive:!:: Valley ?air Association. -~::.e Red River Velley rair ?ssocia- <br />tio;} fdly in".:eYlds to l:laint~in 2.:1d i:::pl:"ove the existing cat:l~grol::ld <br />for the use and occupancy by =e~ers of the gene::-2.l public. The <br />2.gree~er.t p:::-ovides t!i.e lJE2.:1S fo:::- the Red River Valley Fair ?ssocia- <br />tion to S2:::-ve the public effectively and efficiently. <br /> <br />Unce:::- t.r::e ag::-eenent W'ith Cass County, the lease af:ecting said <br />real property used 2.S the CaSS County C2.:!Jpsite "';2.S te:cE.inated and <br />the Red P.iver Valley Fair ?ssDci2.tioJl \J2.S there2.ft2r to the <br />prcr::ises ior its cOrpOr27.e pl.:.:::?oses. C2.SS COUfj7.Y, l;or":h Dakota, <br />\J3.S respo:1sible fo::- securing a:-:y necess2.::-y CO;JSP.:1"::S 0:;:- :::-e1 ease~ <br />::-egui::ed of t~e Cass County ?a:::-k CO=.=iission o:!:: 2.:Jy ot::1<:::::: gove::::n- <br />nental e;Jtity origin2.11y in"::e:::-ested 0:::: involved i:1 the est2.blish- <br />JlJent or t~e Cass County C2~psi~e. <br /> <br />It has COUle to ou::- 2tt~;-;'=io:l 'Chat SO;Je conce:::-ns have !:leen <br />exp~essed 2.~out continuation 0: ~~e Cass County Ca=psite. The Red <br />Rive~ V21ley :ai:::- ~ssoci2.tion i~~=:lcS to rnaint2in "::he p~esent use <br />of the c2.~=site and enhance its fEatu~es by invest~ent 0: substan- <br />tial su::\s - fo~ aile yepaiys. - The ccnce=-ns by said <br />individuals o~ entities is nisplaced. <br /> <br />::!:n order to alleviate an-v" ci: f icul ties tha":: t::.e convevance <br />Tilay ca'Js~d Cass C01.mty I i~o::-th Da}:ota, the ?ed River ''''~lley <br />Fai:;:- ;.ssoc::.aticn is nr::;:;2.:!::ed ~o ::::e~u::-:1 the ::e2.1 ;;ro?~=-ty above <br />desc::ibed and refe::-r~d '''::0 as t;-;e Cass Co'.;;)t.y Ca=psite at you:::: <br />request on the :~llo~ing conc~tio;-;s: <br /> <br />1. Th?.':. th~ agree;;Jen":: ca"::ed April 13, 1979, \.I:.ereby 2. <br />portion of tne above cescribed ::::ea1 p~operty '':c.S developed as a <br />ca:7,psite kno'.."71 as the Cass COl.:.Jlty Ca::lpsite, under a lease egree:nent <br />for 2.n initi2.1 te:c.n 0: t....enty-five yea:::-s, cO~wencing on January 1, <br />1979, and ternir:atirlg on Dece:-::::'c:::: 31, 2004, shall be :::-einstated in <br />its entirety the~eby re-esteblishing the perties to the sa;;:Ie status <br />they enj Dyed i~"ediately prio:::: -';:0 the cCi'weyance re~ired by the <br />April 6, 1992, agreeQent. <br /> <br />2. Th2.t on Jar:u2.ry 1, 2084 [one day efter te::-::lination of <br />the deted April 10, 2.979J, Cess County, l~orth D2.}:ot2., <br />shell be obligeted to cor,vey t.~e a;:,ove desc::ibed real prcpe::ty to <br />the :Ked :Kiver Valley :rair Association upon tt.e sa=.e ~e:-;:s set fo::::tn <br />in t~~ A?~il 6, 1992, agree~e~~. <br />