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<br />GARAAS LAVv' Fl RM <br />i\TTCJ!,:\':J:Y:-: Xl" L\\'(' <br />1)":.1"",, U:::LL' 1'..,l: <br />1.':'1-\ .2.:"rL~ ~l:"L.-:r .stll:~h <br />1'."::lJ. ~""I: [).'~lJ::l )Slll,~ <br /> <br />JIII~.lrh..ll1 r\ <br />D.I,.jJ G.n". <br /> <br />)io"Je::-.De:c 7, 1992 <br /> <br />T.-!t ,.11..:11' <br />,J,: \,.J ('. ...21. - t i ~ <br />~'J'-- ~:l <br /> <br />P.r. John Goff <br />CeSS county states ~ttorney <br />CeSS county COu~hDUse <br />Far;D, ~orth Dakota 58103 <br /> <br />~e: ~ed ~iver Valley Fairgro~nds <br /> <br />Dear Xr-. Goff: <br /> <br />I an wri::ing as the at";:orr:ey :for ";:he Red River Valley ?air <br />Associa";:ion to follow up eu:::- p=-ior ciscussions as i";: rela"::es to <br />j:~e C2S:; Coun";:y ca1:1pgrou:1ds. I have had "::he oppcr";:u:1i ";:y to d isc~ss <br />"'c.he na"'c.ter '..ith "'c.he ~xec\Jtive ?~c.:::-ci :If the Red River VallEY Fair <br />Associa::ion .....ho have cutho:cized :::e to ....ri te this 1 etter setting <br />forth a proposed course of ac-::io;1 should difficulties hereafter <br />arise. <br /> <br />As you are aware, the Red Rive=- Valley ?air Association and <br />Cass county, North Dakota, along the ,Cass County Park <br />Conmission [also }:..,o..'n as the Cass CO\1nty Park Board], ente:::-ed into <br />an agreement dated April l8, 1979, whereby ce~ain real prope~y <br />',.;as developed as a cc.7:1psite }r~'io',.;n as the Cass county Ca:::psi te, <br />uncer a lease ag:::-ee~ent for an ~nitial te~ of t~enty-five yea~s, <br />cO~'":.encing on January 1, 1979, and te~inating on Dece:-:ber 31, <br />2CO~. <br /> <br />The real prope:::-ty subjec~ ~o said lease agreeT.lent is described <br />in the Agree7:1ent dated April 10, 1~79, as :ollo~s: <br /> <br />i\ tract. of la.,d situated in the :N'"l'i1 of Section 7 in <br />TO'~l1ship 13 9 North of ria:1ge 49 \;est of the Fifth Prin- <br />cipal He:::-idian, Cass County, No=-th Dako~a, and ::Jore fully <br />described as follol.'s: Co.::=:1enci:lg at the north\.Jest. <br />se'ctio:l corner of said Section 7, thence:: southerly on the <br />west section line of said Section 7 a distance of 124l <br />feet to the point of beginning~ thence easterly on a 90' <br />deflection to the left a distance of 1100 feet; thence <br />southerly on a 9Q" ceflection to the right a distance of <br />885 feet; thence ....'esterly on a 90' deflection to the <br />right a distance of 110~ feet to the \.lest section line <br />of said Section 7; thence r.or~herly on the I.'est sectio~ <br />line of said section 7 a dis";:ance of S8? feet to the <br />