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<br />IT IS SPECIfICALLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED this is <br />subj ect to thc following tCrl>1$ tind conrJi tions: <br />1. Thc initial tcrm of this lcase sha.ll bc for a period <br />of twenty-rive (25) yetirs, COr.1mcncing on January 1, 1979, and <br />terr.lin;]ting on Dccembcr 31, 200<\. <br />2. The LESSEE ma~ construct buildings on said leased <br />prcr.lises for the purpose for which the property is 'leased and may <br />equip tinu adtl equipment in existing building, if any. The above <br />uescribed leased premises shall be occupied and used by the LESSEE <br />during the term of this Agreement only for the purpose of establishing <br />a c:ltnping facility for recre:ltiollal vchicles, tourists, and C:lmpers. <br />LESSEE sh;]11 not use or permit, or suffer the use of, the leased <br />premises for :lny other purpose except with the prior writtcr per- <br />mission of LESSOR. LESSEE sh:111 be .solely responsible for all <br />expenses incurred in the construction and m<J.inten;J.nce of the leased <br />premises during the term of this Agrcement. <br />J. LESSEE shall be obligated to furnish LEsson with pl;J.ns <br />for any building OT .structure which LESSEE desires to ercct upon <br />the leaseu premises. LESSOR must approve the planned builcling or <br />structun in writing prior to LESSEE being entitled to eTect such <br />planned building ,OT structure on the leased prer.\iscs. LESSEE shall <br />be fUTther obligated to furnish LESSOR \;'ith p1:ms for development <br />of such roads <lnd utility pl::!cclI1cnts as ;'Ire necessary to accomplish <br />the purposes of this Agreement. LESSOR must ;JppTOVe the locations <br />of the planneu TO;lds <lnu utili.ty r>laccrnents in writing prior to <br />LESSEE bcinn entitlcd to ucvclop such roau1Y<lYs anu. pl::!ce such <br />utilities upon s:Jid IC:J.scd premise~. <br />4. LESSEE ~CTce5 to proviLle <l ccrti[lcatc of insurance <br />naming RED RIVER VALLEY F^IR ^SSOC^TION of West Fargo, North Dakot::!, <br />a corpor<J.tion, and C^SS COUNTY, a municipal cOTpor<ltion, as acdition- <br />ally insured; s:J.icl li;Jbility insurance is to be in t.he minimum <br />amount that. Cass County, Nort.h Dakota, a municip:J.I corporation, <br />carries for its normal insuT.:lnce purposes. <br /> <br />- 2- <br />