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<br />AGl1ED1ENT <br /> <br />THIS AGREcJ.IENT. lnde ;:;nd en tercd into this <br /> <br />18th <br /> <br />clay of <br /> <br />April, 1979. by and bet\"een the RED RIVER VALLEY FAIR ASSOCIATION <br /> <br />of Jllest Fargo, North D;:Jkot;:J, a corporLltion, <Jnd CASS COUNTY) a <br /> <br />municip<Jl corporLition, collcctive1y hcrcinafter cllled LESSOR ;:llld <br /> <br />the CASS COUNTY PARK COJ.l},IISSION Ll1so I:nOI,n as the CASS COUNTY PARK <br /> <br />BOARD, whose Liuqrcss is thc C;:Jss Ccunty Courthouse, FargD, North <br /> <br />Dakot:J, hcrcinLiftcr called LESSi;E: <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the LESSOR. is the owncr of certain reti1 property <br />loctiteu in Cass CDunty, North DakDtti, b10\~n as the Rcd River Vallcy <br /> <br />FJirgrounds nCJ.r ll'cst l'Llrgo, North DClkotJ; :1nd <br /> <br />IVIIEJ1.EAS, the L!'.SSOR. h::JS invested in said property .substantial <br /> <br />sums'of money, which propcrty is pn.:sent1y used by LESSOR fOT hDlding <br /> <br />the tinnual R.ed Rivcr VLillcy F::Jir (h'hich gcnenlly runs seven (7) daYf <br /> <br /> <br />and eight (8) nights subject to existing .....c:1ther conditions] and other <br /> <br />activities conducted on SLiid -:ai~ grounds; :1nd <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the LESSEE is interested in le:1sing spClce on the: <br /> <br />Red River Vtilley fLiirgrounus tD develop Cl c;:Jr.1psitc to be l:nown as <br /> <br />tllC CLiSS County C:l.mpsi te. <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, LESSOR hereby rcnts nnd lCJses to LESSEE <br /> <br />that portion of the Rcu !liver Valley FLihr;rounds locatcd in C~ss <br /> <br />COUilty, North D::J.koto, specific::J.lly clcsCTibcu LiS follol,'s: <br /> <br />A tract of lond situ::J.teu in tl1e 1-I1I'!1 of Section <br />7 in Town S 11 i p 1 39 Nor tho f R. a n II e 49 We s t 0 f the <br />Fifth Principnl Meridian, enss County, North <br />Dak6ta, Llnd more fully described as folloHs: <br />Co~~cncing at the northwcst scction corner of <br />said Section 7, thence southerly on the west <br />section line of said Section 7 a distance of <br />1241 feet to the pDint of bcginning; thence <br />cnsterly on ::J. 900 uef1ection to the left a <br />distance of 1100 feet; thence southerly on a <br />900 deflection to t.he ril;ht n distnnce of BSS <br />fcet; tbence westerly on 01 900 deflection tD <br />the rir;ht a d-ist01nce of 1100 feet to the west <br />section line of snid Section 7; thence nDrtherly <br />on the "est section line of said SectiDn 7 a <br />distance of BBS feet to the point of beginning. <br />Snid troct contains 22.35 ncres mOTe or less. <br />Subject to Tond right-of-....Lly nnd c:Jscmcnts of <br />record. <br /> <br />" '~_:1!i~\::.:;n <br />or"-, ,,:,; ~ 'C ~ ~~. <br />~. ':~, ,.i:-',- j:) \r~. <br />i,t f}, 5' ~ t1 Dl ~ <br />r:::.::~" i'J \t:" L:;..J' <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br />.: <br /> <br />~ <br />