County Commission
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7/8/2005 4:26:36 PM
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<br />Commission Minutes--March 7, 2005 2870 <br /> <br />14. VOUCHERS, Approved <br />MOT/ON, passed <br />Mr. Bennett moved and Mrs. Sorum seconded to approve Voucher No. <br />195,376 through No. 195,760. On roll call vote, the motion carried <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />15. MEETING UPDATES; DISTRICT COURT; COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; ROAD <br />UPDATE; PARK BOARD; CASS COUNTY YOUTH COMMISSION; METRO COG; <br />LEGISLATION, Committee reports <br />Bonnie Johnson, County Coordinator, said she will register all of the commissioners to <br />attend the National Incident Management System (NIMS) training to be held from 11 :30 <br />a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on April 18, 2005, at the Civic Auditorium in Fargo. Since that is a regular <br />commission meeting day, the Sheriff's Department rotational meeting will be cancelled. The <br />regular county commission meeting will be held at the usual time of 3:30 p.m. <br /> <br />Mrs. Johnson was contacted by the Clay County Coordinator inviting Cass County to attend <br />a joint luncheon meeting with Clay County Commissioners. The date of April 12, 2005, was <br />suggested, and Clay County will select the location since they are hosting the meeting. <br />Also, Mrs. Johnson said the City of Fargo will be hosting a joint commissioners meeting with <br />Cass County, and the date of May 19, 2005, was suggested, with city officials determining <br />the location. Mrs. Johnson is in the process of scheduling a joint meeting between Cass <br />County and West Fargo City Commissioners, and she will know some possible dates after <br />their board meets this evening. <br /> <br />District Court administrative offices are moving from third floor to the second floor of the <br />courthouse, and Mrs. Johnson was approached about moving county storage items from <br />second floor so District Court could use the space for an employee break room. Board <br />members were in agreement the space on second floor is needed for stored items, and <br />District Court should continue to use the county employee break room in the basement of <br />the south wing. <br /> <br />Mr. Pawluk said the county planning commission is looking closely at the modified county <br />comprehensive land use plan, and a subdivision plat which was denied by the planning <br />commission mayor may not be presented to the county commission. Mr. Vanyo said he <br />received a telephone call from an area developer about studying the comprehensive plan <br />further; and Mr. Vanyo may suggest adding a homebuilder, a developer and possibly <br />someone in the banking industry to assist the county planning commission in this area. <br /> <br />Mr. Pawluk reported on a meeting held earlier today that included the county engineer, <br />water resource managers and landowners to discuss a drainage situation along County <br />Road 34 near Arthur. At some future meeting, he said county commissioners will be asked <br />to make a decision on participating in a solution to the problem, which may cost the county <br />as much as $200,000. <br /> <br />On behalf of the State's Attorney's Office, Mr. Birst said he met with Chad Peterson, County <br />Park Board Chairman, and two Commissioners, Vern Bennett and Scott Wagner, regarding <br />new regulations for the county park at Brewer Lake. Mr. Peterson indicated the park board <br />will be meeting soon to consider some policy changes. <br />
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