County Commission
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Commission Minutes—September 2, 2014 4366 <br /> need to be considered since the diversion will provide protection to many residents and will <br /> save them money on flood insurance costs. <br /> Mr. Pawluk said the concept of special assessments for the diversion project will require <br /> significant public education before a vote is taken to create an assessment district. Mr. <br /> Schneider said the vote will involve sending individual ballots to residents within the district <br /> and a detailed explanation may also be enclosed with the ballot. <br /> Mr. Schneider said DPAC representatives plan to meet with West Fargo and 20 additional <br /> cities and townships within the benefit area. West Fargo has requested a letter of intent <br /> regarding the assumption of sales tax paying for the special assessments, which has been <br /> drafted and could be sent to all 21 benefiting jurisdictions. <br /> Mr. Pawluk said a fair and accurate accounting of the dollars needs to be provided to the <br /> public. There also was discussion on the bond issuance amount and that the limit needs to <br /> be determined and approved by the Finance Committee and Flood Diversion Board of <br /> Authority. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Vanyo moved and Mr. Peterson seconded to authorize the chairman <br /> to sign a letter of intent to the City of West Fargo and for the letter to be <br /> sent to other entities requesting special assessment information. On roll <br /> call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> 8. FLOOD LOTS IN HERITAGE HILLS, Memorandum of Understanding with Audubon <br /> Dakota, Fargo Park District for grass restoration work <br /> Keith Berndt, Cass County Administrator, said discussions continue with the Fargo Park <br /> District to transfer county-owned lots in Heritage Hills, Orchard Glen and Forest River <br /> Subdivisions for a nature park preserve. The district is working with Audubon Dakota on <br /> native grass restoration at various Fargo park locations and would like to do some of this <br /> work in Heritage Hills. He said in order for the work to be done, a Memorandum of <br /> Understanding (MOU) has been drafted with the Fargo Park District, Cass County, and <br /> Audubon Society. <br /> Mrs. Scherling asked if the MOU involves all three subdivisions. Mr. Berndt said grass <br /> restoration will first begin in Heritage Hills, and if successful, will also be done in Orchard <br /> Glen and Forest River. <br /> Mr. Montplaisir said work continues on the process to deed county-owned land to the park <br /> district, which FEMA needs to approve in order to move forward with converting the land <br /> into a nature park preserve. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Vanyo moved and Mr. Peterson seconded to authorize the chairman <br /> to sign the enclosed MOU between Cass County, Fargo Park District, and <br /> Audubon Dakota for grass restoration work in Heritage Hills Subdivision. <br /> On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> 9. FLOOD PROTECTION, Question from Maple Prairie resident <br /> Mr. Pawluk said a resident from Maple Prairie Subdivision was present and asked about <br /> flood protection after the levee is completed in Chrisan Subdivision. The subdivision is <br /> located in Stanley Township, south of Fargo. <br />
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