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Commission Minutes—September 2, 2014 4363 <br /> e. Contract approval <br /> - Centre, Inc.—continuation of agreement for 2015-2016 for minimum security <br /> services, day reporting and electronic monitoring services for jail inmates; <br /> - CBM Managed Services—contract amendment extending the agreement for three <br /> years for the period of March 1, 2015, through February 28, 2018, and increase <br /> jail inmate meals by 2.5% the first year and zero percent increase the last two <br /> years of the contract period; <br /> - Terracon Consultants, Inc.—task order to complete a geotechnical study on a <br /> slide near the south abutment of a bridge located on the Maple River in Sections <br /> 28-29 of Maple River Township; <br /> - Houston Engineering, Inc.—engineering services to complete a field survey and <br /> hydraulic analysis for a bridge on the Maple River located in Sections 28-29 of <br /> Maple River Township. <br /> 6. RESOLUTION #2014-14, Existing Emergency Services Communications (9-1-1) Fee <br /> increase <br /> Michael Montplaisir, County Auditor, provided a brief history on the emergency services <br /> communications (911) fee charged to residents. He said currently there are three different <br /> fees within the county that have been implemented by Fargo, West Fargo and Cass County. <br /> As a result, he has met with officials from both cities to discuss raising and converting it to a <br /> single county-wide fee. At the present time, all three entities must supplement the fee with <br /> property tax revenue to cover costs associated with 911 services provided to residents. He <br /> said telephone companies track city boundaries in order to charge the correct fee to remit to <br /> the appropriate jurisdiction, which at times is difficult to administer and has resulted in errors. <br /> Mr. Montplaisir said the resolution for consideration today is a county-wide fee to increase the <br /> 911 fee to $1.50 per month, which is the maximum amount allowable to charge residents. <br /> The deadline is today at 4:00 PM to submit a ballot measure for the general election <br /> scheduled for November 4, 2014. He said if the measure is approved by voters, an <br /> agreement with Fargo and West Fargo will be needed to handle any shortfalls in the fund. <br /> Mr. Bennett asked whether the fee is for land or cell phones. Mr. Montplaisir said it is for all <br /> communication devices, including wireless plans. Mr. Bennett asked for the reason behind <br /> the cost increases and Mr. Montplaisir said technology, manpower and equipment <br /> replacements attribute for some of the increase. <br /> Mr. Peterson asked about the issue of fee shortages and whether Fargo and West Fargo <br /> would be willing to negotiate with the county. Mr. Montplaisir believes both cities are willing to <br /> negotiate and enter into some type of agreement with Cass County. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Vanyo moved and Mrs. Scherling seconded to adopt Resolution <br /> #2014-14, To Increase the Existing Emergency Services Communications <br /> (9-1-1) Fee. Discussion: Mr. Pawluk asked about educating the public <br /> regarding the issue. State's Attorney Birch Burdick discussed state law <br /> which states that public resources may not be used to advocate in favor <br /> or in opposition to a particular issue. On roll call vote, the motion carried <br /> unanimously. <br />
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