County Commission
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12/7/2004 2:15:12 PM
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<br />Commission Minutes--September 7, 2004 <br /> <br />2787 <br /> <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Bennett moved and Mr. Vanyo seconded to adopt Ordinance #2004- <br />3, and related regulations for owners and operators of body art <br />establishments, which includes tattoos and body piercing, for the <br />protection of the health and welfare of the citizens of Cass County, as <br />amended; and to have the State's Attorney publish this ordinance with <br />all other county ordinances into a handbook for Cass County law <br />enforcement officials. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />18. ORDINANCE DRAFT FOR OVERWEIGHT VEHICLES, Subcommittee to be formed <br />Mr. Burdick said State law governs overweight vehicles on State highways and he <br />understands this is an issue on county highways also because of concerns about damaging <br />the infrastructure due to trucks being overloaded. He has obtained a copy of an ordinance <br />which exists in Richland County, and he understands they assigned a deputy sheriff <br />specifically to enforce weight limits on trucks hauling over county roads. <br /> <br />The Cass County Sheriff's Department has requested authorization in their 2005 budget to <br />hire a deputy specifically to enforce weight limits on Cass County highways. Mr. Burdick <br />said he will talk with all other entities involved and prepare a draft ordinance if the <br />commission wishes to pursue it. <br /> <br />Mr. Bennett said he is not sure he has enough information to know if an ordinance is <br />justified. He believes there are a lot of things to consider first. Mr. Wagner said it may be <br />helpful for commissioners to see the presentation again from the county engineer on the <br />cost of overloaded trucks and what that does to the county infrastructure. He would be <br />looking for a way to offset the cost of adding a deputy sheriff through potential fines for <br />violations of the weight limits on county highways. <br /> <br />Commissioners were in agreement that a subcommittee should prepare recommendations <br />for the next meeting on a proposed overweight vehicle ordinance. Mrs. Sorum suggested <br />the highway department portfolio commissioner, highway engineer and sheriff to meet with <br />the state's attorney; and Mr. Wagner suggested including John Meyer as the sheriff's <br />department portfolio commissioner. Mr. Bennett volunteered to assist the group. <br /> <br />19. GIS (Geographic Information Systems), Award presentation <br />Kay Anderson, Cass County GIS Coordinator, attended an Environmental Systems <br />Research Institute (ESRI) conference in San Diego recently and accepted a Special <br />Achievement Award which was presented to Cass County and the City of Fargo for <br />collaboration in GIS projects. The conference was attended by more than 12,000 GIS <br />professionals from around the world and Mrs. Anderson said she gained invaluable <br />information on developing address management systems using GIS solutions. <br /> <br />20. SOCIAL SERVICES, Joint powers agreement for Enalish Lanauage Interpreter <br />Trainina and Coordination <br />Kathy Hogan, Social Services Director, presented a joint powers agreement for English <br />language interpreter training and coordination, using $7,000 in federal funds as Cass <br />County's share of this project. The City of Fargo has agreed to host and manage the <br />program. She anticipates having an additional $3,000 available from this year's Refugee <br />Interpreter grant. <br />
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