County Commission
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12/7/2004 2:15:12 PM
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<br />Commission Minutes--September 7, 2004 <br /> <br />2786 <br /> <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Bennett moved and Mr. Meyer seconded to adopt Ordinance #2004- <br />2, to monitor the operation of public and semi-public swimming pools <br />for the health and welfare of those using the pools; and to have the <br />State's Attorney publish this ordinance with all other county ordinances <br />into a handbook for Cass County law enforcement officials. Discussion: <br />Mr. Vanyo asked if incorporated cities who wish to enter into a joint <br />powers agreement for enforcement of swimming pool regulations would <br />pay for the cost of inspections and the collection of water samples; and <br />Mr. Myers said that is correct. Language to that effect would be <br />included in the joint powers agreement. Myron Berglund, from the <br />Fargo Cass Public Health Department, said three-fourths of the pools <br />being inspected in Fargo are motel pools, and the department definitely <br />wants to recoup their costs for inspections and water sampling from <br />these business owners. Mr. Wagner asked if the joint powers <br />agreement will include that enforcement costs will be borne by the <br />municipalities, and Mr. Bennett responded that each municipality will <br />pay the costs of enforcement through language in the joint powers <br />agreement. He said the fee schedule is yet to be determined. Mr. <br />Wagner asked if Mr. Bennett's motion includes that all costs will be <br />borne by the municipalities, and Mr. Bennett concurred, saying that is <br />the way it is done now. At the call for the question and upon roll call <br />vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />17. ORDINANCE #2004-3, Second readina on body art reaulation <br />This was the date, time and place advertised for second reading and proposed adoption of <br />an ordinance and regulations for owners and operators of body art establishments, which <br />includes tattoos and body piercing, for the protection of health and welfare of citizens of <br />Cass County. Mr. Myers noted that corrections were made since first reading of Ordinance <br />#2004-3. Additional corrections to be made include the regulations being labeled as <br />"Appendix A" to the ordinance, and the list of definitions in the regulations will be conformed <br />to match the definitions in the ordinance. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner said he has the same issue here as with the swimming pool regulations relative <br />to the body art ordinance being a model to be adopted by any municipalities, along with the <br />same concerns about the costs of enforcement. Mr. Bennett said the same severability <br />clause has been added as for the swimming pool ordinance whereby this ordinance will <br />cover all of Cass County, except that it will not supersede any ordinance of any political <br />subdivision without its consent nor establish an ordinance in any incorporated political <br />subdivision without its consent. Mr. Myers said all municipalities should be encouraged to <br />adopt an ordinance regulating mobile body art and piercing establishments because a <br />mobile unit could be set up during a local community event. <br /> <br />Mr. Burdick said his office will need to seek formal approval of the District Court to hear <br />county ordinance violations because county courts were set up to do that in the century <br />code, and county courts no longer exist. <br /> <br />Mrs. Sorum opened the meeting for a public hearing on the second reading of Ordinance <br />#2004-3, Body Art Regulation. No one from the public asked to speak to the issue, and the <br />public hearing was closed. <br />
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