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3322 46'1' 5 bedrooms 4.5 bathrooms, wet bar. hot tub, heated garage, surround sound. Jacuzzi, built <br /> in cabinets/shelves in laundry room and family room. Space for add'I couple of bedrooms. City <br /> Assessment: 5309,500 .This home has and extra bathroom and 62 less square feet than my house, <br /> but my house is assessed $13,500 higher but does not include any of the upgrades that are listed and <br /> this <br /> The other properties listed I could not obtain any specific items from them . <br /> My house DOES NOT have a heated garage, granite countertops, Surround sound, wet bar, hot tub, <br /> hardwood flooring or stainless steel appliances, built in cabinets etc.. having these items would increase <br /> the selling price of your house a lot more than square footage. I live in a "flood zone" even though I have <br /> never flooded but any perspective buyers would look at this as a determent for at least two reasons. They, <br /> would need to purchase flood insurance and they would have to overlook the dismantled appearance of <br /> the flood buyout lots that used to contain beautiful homes. My house also needs new concrete steps as <br /> evidenced by the professional appraisal and most of the flooring in the house is original. <br /> When comparing the assessed values of properties that actually sold in my neighborhood with their <br /> specific amenities, the $ per square footage is $125 and 119 respectively. My house assessment of <br /> 5323.000 is $126 a square foot but does not contain any of the same amenities as those two . This <br /> does not seem like a fair and accurate assessment when you are comparing "apples to apples" . <br /> Based upon the city's assessment of properties sold --- my square footage cost should be less. Based upon <br /> the amenities that are included in the properties sold compared of the amenities than I do not have in my <br /> house, the property value should be less. And lastly, based upon the professional appraisal, that does take <br /> into consideration all factors, --- square footage, comparable sales with "like-kind" upgrades and <br /> condition of items in the home --- my home value is less than the current assessment. <br /> Thank you for your consideration. <br />