Amended items
County Commission
Amended items
Amended items
Entry Properties
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11/18/2013 12:56:57 PM
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11/18/2013 9:51:22 AM
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CONTRACT FOR DEED <br /> This agreement made between Cass County Government and Repurchaser, who agree <br /> as follows: <br /> 1. Definitions: For the purpose of this Agreement: <br /> 1. "Agreement" shall mean this contract for deed between County and <br /> Repurchaser. <br /> 2. "Property shall mean the following described real property, together will all the <br /> improvements, hereditaments and appurtenances, in Cass County, North <br /> Dakota: <br /> Lot Eleven (11), Block Seven (7), Elm Tree Park Second Addition to the City <br /> of Fargo, Cass County, North Dakota, Tax Parcel No. 01- 0751 00160 -000 <br /> 3. "Purchase price" shall mean the monetary consideration for the purchase of the <br /> Property. <br /> 4. "Repurchaser" shall mean David A. Erickson and Sharon S. Erickson, whose <br /> mailing address is 54 28 Avenue NE, Fargo, North Dakota, 58102 <br /> 5. "County" shall mean Cass County Government whose address is 211 9 Street <br /> South, Fargo, North Dakota 58103. <br /> 2. Background: County received tax title to the Property due to non payment of <br /> taxes by Repurchaser. Repurchaser has certain rights to repurchase property <br /> forfeited to the County under tax proceedings pursuant to North Dakota Century <br /> Code 57- 28 -19. This Agreement is made pursuant to those statutory provisions. <br /> 3. Conveyance: County hereby sells, and Repurchaser hereby repurchases, the <br /> Property pursuant to the North Dakota Century Code 57 -28 -19 and related <br /> provisions. <br /> 4. Delivery of Deed and Evidence of Title: Upon Repurchaser's prompt and full <br /> performance of this Agreement, County shall execute, acknowledge and deliver <br /> to Repurchaser a deed, through the County Auditor, conveying back to <br /> Repurchaser the entire interest the County gained in the Property through the tax <br /> forfeiture the deed will be in the name of David A. Erickson and Sharon S. <br /> Erickson, the name the property was in before the forfeiture to the County. <br /> 5. Purchase Price: Pursuant to the statute, the repurchase price (or consideration) <br /> must include the total amount required to be paid to effect a redemption and the <br /> total amount of all subsequent taxes with interest, penalties and costs. The <br /> repurchase price in this matter is $11,384.29. <br /> 1. Down Payment: A down payment of $2850.00 dollars and no /100) in cash <br /> shall be required upon the execution of this Agreement, the receipt of which is <br /> hereby acknowledged. <br />
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