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CASS COUNTY <br /> PERSONNEL POLICY MANUAL 8.00 <br /> SUBJECT: Appropriate use of Electronic Communication Devices and Services <br /> EFFECTIVE DATE: Page 2 of 3 <br /> g. Uses only software that has been installed and licensed by Cass County. <br /> h. Unauthorized downloading of software or applications is prohibited. <br /> 3. Standards of Conduct <br /> Users may be held personally liable (legally, financially, or otherwise) for the use of <br /> ECDs not in compliance with this policy. ECDs should be used in a professional and <br /> ethical manner as noted below: <br /> Users must not use ECDs to distribute or access messages that are harassing, <br /> discriminatory, defamatory, insulting, sexually explicit, or pornographic. <br /> Users must not knowingly download, create, distribute, copy, store, transmit by email or <br /> the Internet, and knowingly use pirated software or unauthorized copies of copyrighted <br /> material on County computers. Installation of any software application must be <br /> approved by the IT Department. <br /> Users shall protect the integrity of all computer systems and data at all times. Users <br /> shall logoff or lock computer systems when not in use or away from the office. <br /> Passwords and User ID's to access any computer system shall not be written down or <br /> shared with other personnel at any time and users shall not login to a system for the <br /> purposes of allowing another user access. This includes but is not limited to desktop <br /> computers, laptops, tablets, network servers, state application servers and online <br /> business accounts. <br /> Users shall limit to official business only the use of any "streaming" audio and video <br /> sites including Internet radio, video sites, news feeds, and software that uses a <br /> significant amounts of the network bandwidth. <br /> Users must not use ECDs for the purposes of probing or hacking, gambling, trading in <br /> illegal substances, or other illegal activities. <br /> Users must not use ECD's with photo capability in restricted access areas and areas <br /> where personal privacy would be expected (e.g., restrooms) or electronically transmit <br /> images recorded on such devices without permission. <br />