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<br />Road Advisory Minutes-July 16, 2007 1 <br /> <br />ROAD ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br />JULY 16, 2007-2:00 PM <br /> <br />1. MEETING TO ORDER <br />Commissioner Darrell Vanyo called a meeting of the Road Advisory Committee to order at <br />2:00 PM on Monday, July 16, 2007, in the Commission Room, Cass County Courthouse. <br />Members were present as follows: Vern Bennett, Darrell Vanyo, Ken Pawluk, Keith <br />Berndt, Rich Sieg, Jurgen Suhr, and Scott Saewert. Robyn Sorum, Scott Wagner and <br />Mark Johnson were absent. <br /> <br />2. FUTURE HIGHWAY PROJECTS, Countv HiClhwav 16 discussed <br />Mr. Berndt discussed future highway overlay projects. References were made to a list of <br />overlay projects that should be completed in the upcoming years that included about $13 <br />million in overlay projects. The county tries to preseNe existing pavement by completing <br />an overlay every 15 to 20 years. Asphalt overlay cost is $120,000 to $250,000 per mile <br />depending on width and thickness. This equates to overlaying between 16 and 21 miles <br />per year at a cost of about $3 million per year. Cass County receives approximately $1.3 <br />million in Federal Aid for roads yearly. System wide testing is performed on paved roads <br />every five years to assist in the process of determining which roads will receive an <br />overlay. <br /> <br />Mr. Berndt sought direction from the group on the priority of a previously requested project <br />to pave 8 miles of Cass 16 between Davenport and State Highway 18. Alex McDonald <br />and Darrell Schroeder were present concerning Cass County 16. A handout entitled "To <br />Pave or Not to Pave?" was distributed by Mr. Berndt which includes information from <br />studies done in Minnesota and South Dakota regarding criteria used in determining the <br />need for paving gravel roads. A "bare bones" paving project for this stretch would cost in <br />the range of $5 and $6 million. If Cass 16 were given priority, other maintenance <br />overlays would need to be postponed for several years to free up enough funding for the <br />Cass 16 project. The committee was in agreement that the Cass 16 surfacing project <br />should be a priority and added to the list of future projects. <br /> <br />3. CASS COUNTY ROAD 26 SPEED LIMIT CHANGE, Discussed <br />Robert Thompson contacted Mr. Berndt recently regarding Cass County Highway 26. Mr. <br />Thompson had circulated a petition and filed it with the state several years ago in an effort <br />to get Cass 26 added to the state highway system, however; the state declined. Mr. <br />Thompson would like to see the speed limit of Cass 26 changed from 55 miles per hour to <br />65 as the road is in good driving condition without many hills or CUNes. The committee is <br />concerned that if this request were considered it would create a domino effect. Mr. <br />Pawluk expressed concern for a liability issue should the county raise the speed limit and <br />a fatal accident occur. Mr. Berndt will contact the states attorney for an opinion regarding <br />legal irnplications in raising the speed limit and will review existing design features of the <br />road. <br /> <br />4. 2007 CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS, Reviewed <br />Mr. Berndt stated most of the 2007 chip seal work is complete. Cass County 10 from <br />Buffalo to Tower City is 99% complete. The contract has been awarded for the Cass 26 <br />overlay. The Perley Bridge contract is scheduled for award by Norman County later this <br />summer. One contract was awarded for the bridge repairs to the Red River Bridges on <br />