11-19-01 Minutes
Road Advisory Committee
11-19-01 Minutes
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Road Advisory Minutes--November 19, 2001 1 <br /> <br />ROAD ADVISORY COMMI'I-rEE <br />NOVEMBER 19, 2001-2:00 PM <br /> <br />MEETING TO ORDER <br />Commissioner Sorum called to order a meeting of the Road Advisory Committee at 2:00 PM, <br />Monday, November 19, 2001, in the Commission Room, Cass County Courthouse. The <br />following members were present: John Meyer, Scott Wagner, Robyn Sorum, Jurgen Suhr, <br />Dennis Rust, Keith Berndt and Rich Sieg. Alon Wieland arrived later in the meeting. Donna <br />Schneider and Mark Johnson were absent. <br /> <br />LEONARD ELEVATOR ROAD UPDATE <br />Mr. Berndt met with Clark Holzwarth, Chaffee Lynchberg Elevator, and a representative from <br />ConAgra Trade Group, Omaha, to further discuss their request. The group has several <br />decisions to make before proceeding on the road project and at this time, no formal action is <br />needed from the committee. <br /> <br />WEST FARGO/EAGLE RUN BIKEWAY <br />Mr. Berndt spoke with the West Fargo City Planner regarding enhancement funds for this <br />bikeway path from West Fargo south two miles to 40th Avenue adjacent to County 17. They <br />decided the county should wait to submit the application for enhancement funds until next year <br />after the County Road 17 Corridor Study is completed. This will also allow time for public <br />input. <br /> <br />EMERGENCY TOWING OF STRANDED CARS, County Engineer to meet with Sheriff and <br />Fargo Police Chief to develop polic~ <br />Mr. Berndt said after the October snowstorm, an unusually large amount of stranded vehicles <br />were [eft abandoned and locked, at times in the middle of roads throughout the county. He <br />said this presented many problems, with safety being the largest issue. He said snow plows <br />were unable to plow roads because of vehicles that were abandoned. In the past, <br />enforcement were notified, conducted a license plate search to find the owner and a tow truck <br />was called; however, due to the large number of cars stranded, tow trucks were not able to get <br />to them as quickly. He wants to meet with our County Sheriff and Fargo Police Chief to <br />develop a policy to ensure that stranded vehicles are considered a top priority with towing <br />companies. He said the county may have to pay a premium for this type of arrangement. The <br />car owner would then have to pay a fee when picking up the car. <br /> <br />CONSTRUCTION PROJECT REPORT <br />Mr, Bemdt reviewed highway and bridge projects as outlined in the project status report <br />distributed to committee members. <br /> <br />RATCHENSKI FIELD ACCESS, Proposed settlement aqreement scheduled for County <br />Commission meetinq <br />Mr. Semdt met with Commissioner Sorum, States Attorney Birch Burdick, David Ratchenski, <br />his attorney and Gene Piper. Mr. Ratchenski said he was willing to sell his land for $38,700 to <br />Mr. Piper. Mr. Piper agreed to purchase the land at a $15,000 discount. Mr. Ratchenski also <br />requested attorney fees and administrative costs in the amount of $3,863 be paid. Mr. Bemdt <br />said the cost to the county would be approximately $19,000. The County Commission will act <br />on a settlement agreement at today's Commission meeting. <br /> <br /> <br />
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