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PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />OF CASS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA <br />e 22611i3 <br />REGULAR MEETING OF CASS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />APRIL 22, 1986 <br />Chairman Alon Wieland called the meeting to order and upon roll call, all members were present. <br />Mr. Larson moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as <br />written. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Goodwin Hoff, Fargo Community Health Supervisor, presented a Cass County environmental report. <br />There is a proposal before the Fargo- Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments for a unified mosquito <br />control program throughout Cass and Clay Counties, and the cooperation of all entities will be important. <br />Mr. Skip Klinkhammer, Disaster Coordinator and representative of the City of Casselton, appeared <br />before the Board to request assistance from Cass County to clean up fallen trees and debris caused by <br />freezing rain and high winds on the dates of April 13th and 14th. He questioned whether emergency funds <br />would be available. Glenn Ellingsberg, Cass County Disaster Emergency Services Manager, stated that the <br />Commission may declare a local emergency and could then utilize emergency funds. He stated that there <br />are other areas in the County which received damage in the same storm, but he is not aware if they are in <br />need of assistance from the County. Mr. Wieland stated that if the County is going to assist the City of <br />Casselton, the Commission will have to consider other areas requesting assistance also. <br />Mr. Klinkhammer stated that they have had an estimate of $7,500- $10,000 to clean up the debris, <br />based upon the number of loads to be hauled away. Mr. Eckert suggested that the County make some <br />equipment available on a limited time basis, and he suggested that the Commission declare an emergency in <br />the affected storm areas of the County and offer any assistance that is available. Don Richards, County <br />Engineer, stated that one work crew and equipment has been moved to Page to begin a paving project, and <br />the other crew is repairing bridges also damaged by the storm. He stated that he would have to re- adjust <br />their work schedule if they are to provide assistance to the City of Casselton. <br />Mr. Larson moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded to adopt a DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY for the storm areas <br />in Cass County, and to authorize the County Auditor to spend up to $2,000.00 from the Emergency Fund to <br />be paid to the County Road Department for the use of time and equipment to clean up the debris in <br />Casselton. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Klinkhammer stated that he will <br />coordinate Casselton's efforts with the County Engineer. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Eckert seconded that the Chairman be authorized to sign the Resolution <br />awarding the low bid of Border States Paving, Inc. in the amount of $365,735.82 for the County Road 26 <br />paving project. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Richard Offutt, Data Processing Manager, presented a cost estimate of $48,000.00 for computer <br />equipment for the County Road Department. He stated that he viewed the equipment and discussed it with <br />several Minnesota Counties who are using it, and he could see many benefits in having this equipment for <br />Cass County. Mr. Wieland requested time to review the proposal, and the matter will be placed on the <br />agenda for next week. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Eckert seconded that the contract for artwork restoration in the <br />Courthouse dome be awarded to Philip J. Thompson at a cost of $8,000.00. On roll call vote, the motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Eckert seconded to grant approval to Deputy Sheriff Judy Tollefson for <br />out of state travel to attend a Child Abuse Investigative Techniques Training Program in Glynco, Georgia, <br />on May 20 -23, 1986. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />A written response was received from department heads upon the Commission's request on what effects <br />the proposed State and Federal funding cuts will have on their respective budgets. The County Auditor <br />stated that she could provide a more accurate report on the County budget at the end of June, and the <br />Chairman suggested that she prepare an update for the first meeting in July. <br />The Board reviewed The Cass County Report on Finance. Department heads present were the Treasurer, <br />the Register of Deeds, the County Auditor, the Director of Tax Equalization and the Data Processing <br />Manager. The Administrative Assistant also answered questions in this area. <br />Recommendations #42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 52, and 53 will be addressed in the long -range data processing <br />plan. Recommendation #47 has been done and #48 is a normal County procedure. Recommendation #49 to <br />develop a fiscal policy for capital improvements programming and financing will be reviewed by Scott <br />Krueger, and he will report back to the Commission. Recommendation #50 is part of the proposal for a <br />budget study. Recommendations #51 and 54 relate to employee staffing analysis and workload, which the <br />Commission has delayed. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Larson seconded that the Administrative Assistant be authorized to <br />proceed with the printing of 350 copies of the Cass County Personnel Policy Manual as adopted on <br />April 15, 1986, at a cost of $493.00. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded that the Administrative Assistant be authorized to <br />purchase 24 3 -ring binders at a cost of $78.00 for the department heads' and Commissions' copy of the <br />Cass County Personnel Policy Manual. The motion carried on roll call vote with four members voting <br />"Aye Mr. Eckert opposing. <br />306 <br />Fgo. Community <br />Health <br />tal report <br />City of Casselton <br />requests disaster <br />assistance <br />Co. adopts <br />Declaration of <br />Emergency for local <br />storm areas <br />C26 paving project- <br />low bid awarded to <br />Border States Paving. <br />Rd. Dept. computer <br />equipment disc. <br />Cthse. dome artwork <br />contract awarded <br />to P. Thompson <br />Shff. Dept. out of <br />state travel apprvd. <br />Response from <br />Dept. Heads on effect <br />of St. Fed. budget <br />cuts <br />Cass County Report <br />on Finance disc. <br />Personnel Policy <br />Manual- -350 copies <br />to be printed and <br />24 3 -ring binders <br />to be purchased <br />