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ISchepp, Joyce H. <br /> From: Berndt, Keith D. <br /> Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2003 5:12 PM <br /> To: {Cass} - Commissioners <br /> Cc: Schepp, Joyce H.; Worden, Heather M. <br /> Subject: Road Advisory Committee Meeting February 3, 2003 at 1:30 <br /> <br />Road Advisory Committee Members, <br /> <br />A Road Advisory Committee Meeting has been scheduled for Monday February 3, 2003 at 1:30 <br />PM at the County Commission Room. The agenda item will be to discuss a replacement bridge <br />in Pleasant Township. <br /> <br />A decision was made by the Road Advisory Committee on October 7, 2002 that I should solicit <br />bids for a bridge project in Pleasant Township and then report back to the Committee for a final <br />decision regarding the project. I've included the notes from that meeting on this subject for your <br />information. <br /> <br />Following the October 7 meeting, County Staff prepared a bridge design and bid packages. The <br />first bid package includes supplying and driving the steel bridge piling. The second bid package <br />includes supplying a treated wood deck. The design is a relatively simple, but functional design <br />in which the bridge beams rest directly on the piling. County Crews will install used steel beams <br />and a new wood panel deck. <br /> <br />Bids were received on two bid packages January 23. The piling and deck Iow bids were $66,690 <br />and $98,208 respectively equals $164,898. In addition, there will be some contracted crane time <br />to set the beams, a small amount of contracted excavation, and the County labor to install the <br />deck and complete other incidental work. My recommendation in October was that we proceed <br />with the project if we can keep the total cost in the $225,000 - $250,000 range. Based on the <br />bids received I feel we can accomplish this and would therefore recommend proceeding with the <br />project. <br /> <br />SUGGESTED MOTION: AUTHORIZE COUNTY ENGINEER TO PROCEED WITH <br />CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW BRIDGE BETWEEN SECTIONS 10 AND 15 OF PLEASANT <br />TOWNSHIP CONTINGENT UPON RECEIPT OF $150,000 IN PRIVATE CONTRIBUTIONS <br />TOWARD THE PROJECT. <br /> <br />October 7, 2002 Road Advisory Committee meetin.q minutes. <br /> <br />PLEASANT TOWNSHIP BRIDGE, County Engineer authorized to prepare plans and solicit bids; <br />will bring back to committee after bids are received <br />Mr. Bemdt said in 2001, a 118-foot wooden bridge between Sections 10 and 15 of Pleasant <br />Township, which crosses the Wild Rice River, was destroyed by fire. Three other bridges in this <br />vicinity have been replaced over the years at a cost of between $525,000 to $1.2 million. The <br />county has funding commitments of $150,000 from the adjacent landowner's insurance company <br />and a private contribution. This bridge was on a Iow volume township road parallel and one mile <br />north of County Highway 18. Typically, this bridge would be a likely candidate for permanent <br />closure with its Iow use and availability of alternate routes; however, there are extenuating <br />circumstances to consider: the private contributions; the bridge was in poor condition and would <br />have required some county funds to repair it; the bridge historically provides access during floods <br />and a relatively Iow cost replacement bridge could be designed for this location using steel beams <br />currently on inventory. <br /> <br /> <br />