County Commission
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PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />OF CASS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA <br />Scott Krueger requested Sheriff Don Rudnick, Chairman of the Salary Review Committee, to appear <br />before the Board regarding the position of financial analyst /personnel technician. The Salary Review <br />Committee has reviewed the job descriptions and feels the two positions are not job related. The <br />Committee would like time to review separate job descriptions for the two positions. Mrs. Stanton stated <br />that the two positions were combined in an effort to hire only one additional County employee, and she <br />feels this is a decision of the County Commission. Mr. Wieland suggested that Scott Krueger and Dick <br />Offutt provide the information requested by the Salary Review Committee in order for them to make a <br />recommendation to the County Commission. <br />On motion by Mr. Larson and seconded by Mr. Eckert, the meeting was adjourned. <br />REGULAR MEETING OF CASS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />MAY 19, 1987 <br />Chairman Alon Wieland called the meeting to order with four members present as follows: Alon <br />Wieland, Jeannette Stanton, Ray Larson and Don Eckert. Oscar Sondrall was absent. <br />Mr. Larson moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as <br />written. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Royce Yeater appeared before the Board representing the Fargo Heritage Society, and he presented <br />a plaque recognizing the efforts of the Cass County Commission in the restoration of the Courthouse <br />rotunda area. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Larson seconded to approve the Grant Award and Acceptance from the State <br />of North Dakota for Jail computerization, upon approval of the Cass County Building Authority, in the <br />amount of $70,000 on a 50-50 matching basis. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Larson moved and Mr. Eckert seconded to grant permission for out of state travel for Sheriff's <br />Lt. Arland Rasmussen on June 8 -11, 1987, to attend a meeting of the Mid States Organized Crime <br />Information Center in Missouri. Motion carried. <br />Administrative Assistant Scott Krueger suggested changes in the County's Personnel Policy Manual in <br />Section 2.3 on hiring procedures, Section 3.1 on overtime policy and Section 3.3 on pay policy. The <br />Chairman instructed Mr. Krueger to draft the policy language for the proposed changes. <br />The Commission met informally earlier today to discuss 1987 salary proposals with the Administrative <br />Assistant. Motion was made by Mr. Eckert accept a proposal by Scott Krueger with one exception being <br />that a decision on the salary of County Judge Donald Cooke be withheld at this time. Mr. Wieland felt <br />that the Commission needs to address two department heads' salaries as opposed to the one that Mr. Eckert <br />has suggested. Mrs. Stanton felt the issue of salaries needs more public discussion. Since there was a <br />bid opening scheduled at this time, the Chairman suggested delaying the discussion until later in the <br />meeting. Mr. Eckert withdrew his motion. <br />The following bids were opened at 10:00 A.M. for bridge replacement on the Rush River in Raymond <br />Township: <br />Wanzek Construction Co. $79,394.35 <br />Industrial Builders $88,454.60 <br />Korby Construction $93,555.53 <br />Swingen Construction $91,046.58 <br />Blumer Construction $101,251.80 <br />Dakota Bridge Builders, Inc. $87,155.61 <br />Mr. Eckert moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded that the above bids be referred to the County Engineer <br />for tabulation and recommendation. Motion carried. <br />Mrs. Edith Lohr, Executive Director of Hospice of the Red River Valley, appeared before the Board to <br />request a one -time emergency contribution to the Hospice in the amount of $10,000.00. She stated that <br />the organization, which provides home care for terminally ill patients, has a financial problem due to <br />severe Medicare payment cutbacks. The Commission recognized Hospice as a necessary organization in the <br />community and motion was made by Mrs. Stanton, seconded by Mr. Larson to authorize payment of $10,000 to <br />Hospice of the Red River Valley from the County's Contingency Fund. On roll call vote, the motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Tom Garske spoke to the Commission on behalf of homeowners and residents of the Forest River and <br />Chrisan Subdivisions in Stanley Township and certain areas bordering Highway 81 expressing concern about <br />a development which they feel will seriously impact the area where they live. He stated that their <br />purpose is to bring to the County's attention some facts or concerns which they have about the proposed <br />Meadow Wood Subdivision, including the need for a long -range plan in the area and a reassessment of the <br />present zoning regulations. They intend to inform all governmental bodies who are involved in the <br />subdivision approval process that they wish to cooperate and to be included in the development planning. <br />A group of the residents have met with the Stanley Township Board, and they intend to meet with the Cass <br />County Planning Commission in June. <br />Upon the recommendation of the County Engineer, Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Larson seconded to accept <br />the low bid of Wanzek Construction Company in the amount of $79,394.35 for bridge replacement in Raymond <br />Township. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />6384 <br />Financial analyst/ <br />personnel tech. -job <br />desc. revwd. by <br />Salary Review Comm. <br />Heritage Society <br />plaque re: restora- <br />tion of rotunda <br />Jail computeriza- <br />tion- -Grant Award <br />Acceptance <br />Shff. employee <br />granted permission <br />for out/state travel <br />Personnel Policy <br />changes recommded. <br />by Adm. Asst. <br />1987 salary proposal <br />disc. delayed <br />until later in mtg. <br />Bid opening for <br />bridge replacement <br />on Rush River in <br />Raymond Twp. <br />Hospice of Red <br />River Valley given <br />$10,000 from Co. <br />Cont. Fund <br />Stanley Twp residents <br />apprd. re: proposed <br />Meadow Wood Subd. <br />Bid awarded to <br />Wanzek Constr. <br />for brdg. replcmnt. <br />
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