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Hosp. Ins. request <br />from Soc. Serv. <br />employee denied <br />Artwork for Cthse. <br />South Wing disc. <br />City of Alice corres <br />on change of voting <br />Voting precinct to <br />be renamed Howes -Gill <br />precinct instead of <br />only Howes Twp. <br />Shff. auth. to <br />purchase 2 patrol <br />cars and one Astro <br />Van <br />DES Manager auth. to <br />pursue joint study <br />on radio communicatn <br />Co. Court Judge <br />absenteeism -Chm. <br />to contact ND <br />Judicial Conduct <br />Comm. <br />Co. Crt. Judge C. <br />Rothe apptd. admin. <br />judge <br />Disc. with Casselton <br />fire ambulance <br />services on snowplow <br />being stationed in <br />Co. Shop at Cassltn. <br />NW Bell granted <br />utility permit <br />Raffle permit to <br />Chaffee Lion's Club <br />Chm. appts. Comm. <br />Stanton to serve on <br />Co. Canvassing Board <br />if she can <br />No meeting on <br />Veteran's Day, which <br />is a holiday <br />PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />OF CASS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Eckert seconded that the request of Tina Johnson, County Social Services <br />employee, concerning hospitalization insurance be denied. On roll call vote, the motion carried <br />unanimously. The Chairman requested Scott Krueger to inform her that she is entitled to receive the same <br />benefits as other County employees. <br />Scott Krueger showed the Board a painting for sale by Artist George Fredin of a grain field north of <br />Harwood. Mr. Wieland suggested forming a committee to select artwork for the South Wing. <br />The Chairman will contact Kathy Maruska, Mayor of Alice, regarding her letter to the Commission <br />concerning a change in the voting place in the City of Alice. <br />A letter was received from Francis B. Smylie of Wheatland expressing concern over combining the <br />voting precincts of Gill and Howes Township, but the precinct is only called Howes Township. The County <br />Auditor stated that the township voting precincts which have been combined are identified by the name of <br />the township where the voting precinct is located. Mr. Eckert moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded to rename <br />the Howes Township voting precinct as the Howes -Gill precinct. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Correspondence was read and committee reports given. <br />On motion by Mr. Larson and seconded by Mrs. Stanton, the meeting was adjourned. <br />REGULAR MEETING OF CASS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />OCTOBER 28, 1986 <br />Chairman Alon Wieland called the meeting to order with all members present as follows: Jeannette <br />Stanton, Don Eckert, Oscar Sondrall, Alon Wieland and Ray Larson. <br />Mr. Larson moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as <br />written. Motion carried. <br />Upon the recommendation of the County Sheriff's Department, Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Larson <br />seconded to authorize the Sheriff's Department to purchase two 1987 Caprice 4 -door sedans at a cost of <br />$12,850 each and to purchase one Astro Van at a cost of $11,975 from Gateway Chevrolet of Fargo. On roll <br />call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />It was the consensus of the Commission that Glenn Ellingsberg, Disaster Emergency Services Manager, <br />pursue a joint study with the City of Fargo on coordination of radio communications. The Chairman <br />suggested that Mr. Ellingsberg and Commissioner Ray Larson negotiate the cost of the study, and bring a <br />proposal back to the Commission. <br />Chairman Wieland reported to the Commission that there has been no further communication from County <br />Court Judge Donald Cooke in relation to the Commission's request for information on his absenteeism. <br />Mr. Eckert moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded that the Commission appoint County Court Judge Cynthia Rothe <br />to be the Administrative Judge for Cass County Court effective immediately. Mr. Sondrall questioned <br />whether the County Commission has the authority to delegate the administrative duties, and Mr. Wieland <br />stated that the former County Commission appointed Judge Cooke to that position on December 28, 1982. At <br />the call for the question and upon roll call vote, the motion carried with all members voting "Aye The <br />Commission was in agreement that the Chairman contact the North Dakota Judicial Conduct Commission to <br />determine the County's responsibility and what steps should be taken next. <br />Discussion was held with Michael King, President of the Casselton City Council, and with Larry <br />Ellison from the Casselton Ambulance Service, regarding a proposal for a County snowplow to be stationed <br />in the County Shop at Casselton. County Engineer Don Richards stated that this location does not fit <br />into his future plans for three shops throughout the County, each serving two districts. However, the <br />County does have radio equipment in the building which must be kept at a warm temperature. After much <br />discussion, Mr. Wieland suggested appointing a committee to re- negotiate a proposal. Mr. Larson moved <br />and Mrs. Stanton seconded that Don Richards, Commissioners Don Eckert and Al Wieland meet with <br />representatives of Casselton to negotiate a suitable agreement. Motion carried. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Larson seconded that the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company be granted a <br />utility permit for County Road 6 at the northeast corner of Section 18, Stanley Township. Motion <br />carried. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded to grant a Raffle Permit to the Chaffee Lion's Club on <br />the date of December 4, 1986, at the Chaffee School. Motion carried. <br />Chairman Wieland appointed Commissioner Jeannette Stanton to represent the County Commission on the <br />Cass County Canvassing Board which will meet on November 7, 1986 to canvas the November 4th General <br />Election ballots. If she is unavailable on that date, Commisisoner Don Eckert or Ray Larson will be <br />appointed to serve. <br />Due to Veteran's Day on Tuesday, November llth, being a holiday, Mr. Eckert moved and Mr. Sondrall <br />seconded that no Cass County Commission meeting be held that week except in case of emergency. Motion <br />carried. <br />