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PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 6 <br />OF CASS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA <br />REGULAR MEETING OF CASS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />July 1, 1986 <br />Chairman Alon Wieland called the meeting to order and upon roll call, all members were present. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Larson seconded that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as <br />written. Motion carried. <br />Upon the request of Mr. Tom Jensen, Social Services, Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded to <br />authorize the hiring of two homemakers at an hourly rate. On roll call vote, the motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Upon the request of Mr. Tom Jensen, Social Services, Mr. Larson moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded to <br />authorize the hiring of two employees for the Protective Child Service Unit at Grade 25 with no salary <br />range known at this time. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Following a request from the Road Department for approval of two utility permits, Mr. Sondrall moved <br />and Mr. Larson seconded to authorize the Chairman to sign a utility permit for an underground cable on <br />Cass County Road #31 for Northwestern Bell Telephone; and for an underground cable on Cass County #81 for <br />Cass County Electric. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Further discussion was held on the replacement of Mr. James Lee from the Cass County Planning <br />Commission with no decision made until next week. <br />Mr. Larson moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded to approve the following Pledge of Assets for July, 1986: <br />On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Fargo National Bank <br />Dakota Bank and Trust Co. <br />First Bank of North Dakota <br />Norwest Bank -Fargo <br />State Bank of Fargo <br />Union State Bank of Fargo <br />West Fargo State Bank <br />First State Bank of West Fargo <br />Page State Bank <br />First American Bank of Casselton <br />First State Bank of Casselton <br />First State Bank of Arthur <br />First State Bank of Buffalo <br />Gate City Federal Savings Loan <br />Metropolitan Federal Savings Loan <br />2,620,000.00 <br />1,500,000.00 <br />735,000.00 <br />2,335,000.00 <br />$12,685,000.00 <br />600,000.00 <br />325,000.00 <br />No Pledge <br />125,000.00 <br />2,050,000.00 <br />600,000.00 <br />50,000.00 <br />150,000.00 <br />650,000.00 <br />1,100,665.00 <br />Mr. Rudy Radke, Extension Agent, stated that the salaries for the Extension Employees are granted <br />through the North Dakota Board of Higher Education with their fiscal year being July 1, 1986, to June 30, <br />1987. The Board of Higher Education allowed a 4% increase to be granted on the basis of merit and <br />performance. Cass County budget line item for salaries were approved during budget time in October, 1985 <br />in the amount of $3,827.00 less than the line item allowed in the budget. Further discussion will be <br />held next week. <br />He explained that a full -time secretary will become a half -time position in the fall. He will then <br />move his part -time person into the full -time position. He would like to up grade this position at that <br />time. A letter will be submitted to the Salary Review Committee at this time regarding both of these <br />items. <br />Upon the request by Margo Lang, West Fargo Chamber of Commerce, for a membership from the Cass <br />County Commission for $150.00 as an associate member, Mr. Larson moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded to <br />receive and file this request with further consideration. Motion carried. <br />Upon the request of Judge Cynthia Rothe, Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Larson seconded to authorize <br />County Court to move Judy Lawson to Grade Level 2 at $869.00 to $957.00 salary range; and to authorize <br />County Court to replace the position held by Judy at a salary range from $815.00 to $850.00. On roll <br />call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />With further discussion held regarding the Judges Liabili+ y Insurance, Judge Rothe stated that the <br />present liability insurance for judges covers only negligent acts and not intentional acts. Mr. Larson <br />moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded to pass a resolution to indemnify for the County Judges from any law <br />suits that may arise and that the States Attorney's Office will defend them. The motion and the second <br />was withdrawn giving the States Attorney more time to review. <br />Mr. John Adams from the Adams Truck Plaza presented an application for the transfer of a beer and <br />liquor license because of new stock holders. Mr. Larson moved to authorize the transfer of the license <br />pending the investigation by the Sheriff. The motion was withdrawn giving the States Attorney more time <br />to review. <br />Upon the recommendation of Mr. Robert Hoy, Mr. Larson moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded to approve the <br />application for the beer and liquor license to the Windbreak, Inc. in the amount of $500.00 from July 1, <br />1986, to December 31, 1986. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Following review by Mr. Robert Hoy, Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Larson seconded to have the States <br />Attorney draft a resolution to indemnify for the County Judges; and to authorize the Chairman to sign the <br />resolution. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />The Board recessed for a meeting of the Cass County Building Authority. Upon reconvening, Mr. <br />Larson moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded to approve the Building Authority action for Disbursement <br />Direction #11 to T. F. Powers Construction in the amount of $159,505.00, to West Fargo Plumbing and <br />Heating in the amount of $47,785.00, to Dakota Electric Construction in the amount of $3,325.00 and to <br />Soc. Serv. auth. to <br />hire homemakers <br />and two employees for <br />the Protective Child <br />Service Unit <br />Utility permits for <br />NW Bell and for <br />Cass Co. Elec. <br />Co. Planning replace <br />ment for James Lee <br />needed <br />Pledges of Assets <br />approved for July, <br />1986 <br />Extension Office <br />employee salaries <br />discussed <br />West Fargo Chamber <br />of Commerce requests <br />Co. to join <br />o. Court employee <br />hanges <br />County Judges- <br />disc. on liability <br />insurance <br />Beer Liq. License <br />transfer to Windbreak, <br />Inc. <br />Co. Judges liability <br />ins. again disc. <br />Bldg. Auth. action <br />approved <br />