County Commission
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PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />OF CASS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA <br />REGULAR MEETING OF CASS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />OCTOBER 29, 1985 <br />Chairman Ray Larson called the meeting to order and upon roll call, all members were present. <br />Mr. Eckert moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as <br />written. Motion carried. <br />Upon the request of Sheriff Don Rudnick, Mr. Eckert moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded to grant out of <br />.state travel for an employee to attend a Detention Center Management School in Washington, D.C. on <br />November 17 -20, 1985. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Commissioners Larson and Stanton reviewed the Cass County Jail <br />Willis concerning a situation that was brought to the Commission <br />Maxine Davies. The procedures that are followed are for the health <br />and jail personnel alike, and Commissioners Stanton and Larson could <br />Mr. Sondrall reported that the caretakers of the Springvale <br />he also requested them to begin tearing down an_old building on the <br />Mr. Wieland moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded to appoint John Meyer, Alton Johnson, Emerson Harris, <br />Ordelle Brua and Oscar Sondrall to the Cass County Cemetery Authority. On roll call vote, the motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded that the Chairman be authorized to sign the necessary <br />contracts on behalf of the Cass County Commission for the south addition and Courthouse remodeling with <br />delivery of the contracts after Cass County is designated the named insured under the Builder's Risk <br />Insurance. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Wieland moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded to recess the Cass County Commission meeting for the <br />purpose of having the Cass County Building Authority approve the contracts for the south addition and <br />Courthouse remodeling. Motion carried. <br />The meeting of the Cass County Board of Commissioners was reconvened. <br />Mr. Wieland moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded that due to the possibility that an elected position <br />could be filled by a person with limited experience, all elected officials salaries be set at Legislative <br />minimums effective January 1, 1987, and the Commission may review such salaries and raise them to levels <br />where appropriate. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Wieland moved and Mrs. Stanton seconded that because the County has not been required to <br />provide housing for the County Sheriff for several years, effective January 1, 1987, the Sheriff's <br />Residence will no longer be considered as part of the compensation received by the Sheriff; and that the <br />structure revert to general County use. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />No one appeared to protest at the hearing set for 10:00 A.M. on the minimum sale price established <br />by the Commission on the appraisal of tax forfeited property. On roll call vote, the motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />Mr. Eckert moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded that Robert Hoy, States Attorney, be allowed to hire one <br />full -time person for the restitutions department. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Correspondence was received from the Office of Management and Budget concerning a walk- through <br />energy audit for local governments and public care institutions. The Commission felt they are aware of <br />energy problems in County buildings and are trying to resolve the problems at this time. <br />A letter was drafted to Mrs. Altha Johnson in response to her letter of October 21, 1985, <br />concerning County Road 15 near Kindred. Mr. Sondrall asked if the Commission is admitting guilt in the <br />letter, but the States Attorney did not see anything particularly wrong with the letter. Mrs. Stanton <br />suggested stating in the letter that the County has not had adequate money available for road <br />improvements, rather than stating that there has been virtually no money available. Mr. Eckert moved and <br />Mr. Sondrall seconded that the Chairman be authorized to sign the letter to Mrs. Altha Johnson as <br />revised. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Upon the request of Dorothy Howard, Clerk of District Court, Mrs. Stanton moved and Mr. Eckert <br />seconded to authorize a temporary full -time position being changed to a permanent full -time position <br />effective November 1, 1985. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Sondrall reported on a planning committee meeting of the North Dakota Centennial Committee, and <br />he stated that every County should establish a Centennial Board. <br />On motion by Mr. Eckert and seconded by Mr. Sondrall, the meeting was adjourned. <br />9 <br />Ordelle Brua County Auditor <br />Cass County, North Dakota <br />VYl <br />Ray Lrson, Chairman <br />Cass County Board of Commissioners <br />procedures with the Sheriff and Walt <br />'s attention on October 8, 1985, by <br />safety and welfare of the prisoners <br />see no reason to change them. <br />Cemetery have removed some trees, and <br />property. <br />6270 <br />Shff. Dept. auth. <br />out of state travel <br />Jail procedures <br />reviewed, due to <br />questions by Maxine <br />Davies <br />emetery maintenance <br />Appt. of Cemeteries <br />Authority members <br />Cthse. south addn. <br />remodeling contracts <br />signed <br />Bldg. Auth. mtg. to <br />sign contracts for <br />So.Addn.& remodeling <br />Salaries of elected <br />officials to return <br />to minimum during <br />election <br />Shff. Residence will <br />no longer be consid- <br />ered comp. for Shff. <br />effect. 1 -1 -87 <br />Tax forfeited prop- <br />no one appeared to <br />protest <br />St. Atty. to hire <br />Full-time person <br />Energy audit for <br />local govts. sponsrd. <br />by OMB <br />C15 near Kindred- <br />letter to Mrs. Altha <br />Johnson <br />Clerk of Dist.Court- <br />change in status of <br />one position <br />ND Centennial Comm. <br />report <br />
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