08-15-2012 Budget
County Commission
08-15-2012 Budget
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Commission Minutes—August 15, 2012 4043 <br /> 3. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR <br /> Mr. Berndt said his budget includes the County Administrator Operations; Buildings and <br /> Grounds; Courthouse; Jail; Annex; and Risk Management. The proposed budget for <br /> 2013 is slightly less than last year's request with the exception of Buildings and Grounds <br /> due to the request for a new staff member and equipment replacement. Mr. Berndt said <br /> no major capital improvements are planned for 2013. Maintenance staff will begin <br /> upgrading the kitchen in the Annex basement within the next few weeks, a project that is <br /> covered in the 2012 budget. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Vanyo moved and Mr. Pawluk seconded to approve the 2013 <br /> preliminary budget for the County Administrator as presented. On <br /> roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Berndt said the only increases in the 2013 Commission budget are inflationary and <br /> the budget does not include any other major increases. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Pawluk moved and Mr. Vanyo seconded to approve the 2013 <br /> preliminary budget for the Commission as presented. On roll call <br /> vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> 4. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY <br /> Terry Schmaltz, Information Technology (IT) Director, was present and provided a power <br /> point presentation outlining requests for 2013. He thanked the Commission for their <br /> support and expressed appreciation for the updates and space the West Addition will <br /> provide. The budget includes one new employee, a Network Specialist II position. Also <br /> included in the 2013 budget is laptop replacement; cyclical computer replacement; and <br /> the Microsoft License is scheduled to be renewed in 2013. A Gartner Metrics study <br /> conducted on IT staffing showed that Cass County does lag in IT personnel in <br /> comparison to national and statewide statistics. <br /> Mr. Schmaltz would like to implement desktop virtualization which would allow staff to <br /> have consistent applications throughout the Cass County network. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mrs. Sorum moved and Mr. Bennett seconded to approve the 2013 <br /> preliminary budget for IT as presented. Discussion: Mr. Vanyo <br /> asked if IT has a method they use to track response time for service <br /> calls. Mr. Schmaltz said they are working on a tracking system, <br /> however; time for development of a tracking system and the actual <br /> tracking has been limited due to the workload. Mr. Vanyo asked Mr. <br /> Schmaltz develop a plan and to have the ability to provide this <br /> information for future reference. On roll call vote, the motion carried <br /> unanimously. <br /> 5. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT <br /> Sheriff Paul Laney, Chief Deputy Jim Thoreson, and Captain Mike Argall as well as other <br /> Command Staff were present. The sheriff provided an overview of the major budget <br /> requests for each division of their department. Sheriff Laney thanked the Commission for <br /> their support, stating they believe in effectiveness. <br />
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