3. Ord #2004-2 & 3/1st reading
County Commission
Regular agenda
3. Ord #2004-2 & 3/1st reading
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<br />Section V. Education and Information Requirements. Body Art Establishments and <br />all operators shall provide information and education to prospective clients and to gather <br />information from them as follows: <br /> <br />5.1 All clients requesting body art shall be given educational information about body art <br />procedures by the body art establishment both verbally and in writing prior to the <br />commencement of any such procedure. Written educational information shall be <br />approved by the Department. Verbal and written instructions, approved by the <br />Department, for the aftercare of the body art procedure site shall be provided to each <br />client by the operator upon completion of the procedure. The written instructions <br />shall advise the client to consult a physician at the first sign of infection and shall <br />contain the name, address, and phone number of the establishment. These documents <br />shall be signed and dated by both parties, with a copy given to the client and the <br />operator retaining the original with all other required records. In addition, all <br />establishments shall prominently display a Disclosure Statement, provided by the <br />Department, which advises the public of the risks and possible consequences of body <br />art services. The facility permit holder shall also post in public view the name, <br />address and phone number of the local/state Department that has jurisdiction over this <br />program and the procedure for filing a complaint. The Disclosure Statement and the <br />Notice for filing a Complaint shall be included in the establishment Permit <br />Application Packet. <br />5.2 So that the operator can properly evaluate the client's personal history before <br />receiving a body art procedure and not violate the client's rights or confidential <br />medical information, the operator shall ask for the information as follows: <br /> <br />In order for proper healing of your body art procedure, we <br />ask that you disclose if you have or have had any of the <br />following conditions which would require written approval <br />from a licensed physician before any body art will be <br />performed. <br />i. diabetes; <br />ii. history of hemophilia (bleeding); <br />iii. history of skin diseases, skin lesions, or skin <br />sensitivities to soaps, disinfectant, etc.; <br />iv. history of allergies or adverse reactions to pigments, <br />dyes, or other skin sensitivities; <br />v. history of epilepsy, seizures, or fainting; <br />vi. use of medications other than routine antibiotics, <br />allergy medication or birth control pills <br />vii. Hepatitis <br />viii.HIV positive <br />ix. High blood pressure, heart disease <br />x. Pregnancy <br />xi. Contagious diseases <br />xii. Immune system disorders <br />xiii. Serious physical or mental health problems <br />
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