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<br />1. <br /> <br />If applicable, provide a detailed plan (including a timeline) to sustain this project <br />when Dakota Medical Foundation's investment is expended. Preference will be <br />given to projects that demonstrate a solid sustain ability plan. <br /> <br />THE PARENTING RESOURCES CENTER IS CONTINUALLY SEARCHING FOR <br />WAYS TO KEEP THE FUNDING STREAM GOING. GRANT POSSIBILITIES ARE <br />INVESTIGATED ON AN ONGOING BASIS AS WELL AS PROMOTING THE PRC TO <br />COLLABORATORS AND THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY. THE EFFICIENT USE OF <br />FUNDS TO KEEP THE PROGRAM STRONG AS WELL AS OPPERA TING AT <br />OPTIMAL POTENTIAL IS ALWAYS THE GOAL. THE NEED TO HAVE A <br />FUNCTIONAL PARENTING RESOURCES CENTER IN THE COMMUNITY WILL BE <br />PRESENT AS LONG AS FAMILIES SEEK TO MAINTAIN OR GAIN HEALTHY <br />RELATIONSHIPS. <br /> <br />G. <br /> <br />CONFLICTS OF INTEREST <br /> <br />1. <br /> <br />As a prospective grantee, it is important that you disclose any potential <br />conflicts of interest with Dakota Medical Foundation so that the Foundation <br />can protect its tax-exempt status by avoiding transactions, arrangements, <br />or uses of the Foundation's funds that might unreasonably benefit the <br />private interests of potential grantees, including benefits to the potential <br />grantee and their related persons including, without limitation, the potential <br />grantee's directors, trustees, officers, committee members, key employees, <br />or immediate family members thereof. To the best of your knowledge, are <br />you aware of any actual or potential conflicts of interest with Dakota <br />Medical Foundation's staff, board and/or committee members? <br /> <br />None, to my knowledge. <br /> <br />H. <br /> <br />OTHER <br /> <br />. We have attempted to ask questions that will provide us with enough information <br />to adequately review your proposal. However, please use this space to provide <br />any additional project information you wish to be considered. <br /> <br />THE PARENTING RESOURCES CENTER OFFERS QUALITY ADUL T/PARENT <br />EDUCATION AT AN ECOMNOMICAL PRICE. THE FULL RESULTS OF THESE <br />EFFORTS ARE NOT EASILY MEASURED. PARENTS MAY LEARN HEALTHIER <br />BEHAVIORS AND BECAUSE OF THEIR INTERACTION WITH THEIR CHILDREN AND <br />OTHERS HAVE A POSITIVE IMPACT FOR YEARS AND GENERATIONS TO COME. <br />THE PRC IS OFTEN THE POINT OF ENTRY FOR PARENTS NEEDING A NEUTRAL <br />PLACE TO ACCESS GENERAL INFORMATION OR INFORMATION ABOUT OTHER <br />SOURCES OF SUPPORT AND EDUCATION. THIS "SAFE" PLACE OFTEN <br />PROVIDES ENOUGH INFORMATION TO INITIATE THE SEARCH FOR MORE <br />