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<br />--- <br /> <br />-,j <br /> <br />'--.../ <br /> <br />.../ <br /> <br />-.J <br /> <br />'- <br /> <br />~E)th. ~.' -t~ ':f <br />ELEVATION CERTIFICATE <br />FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY MAnONAL FLOOD iNSURANCE PROGRAM <br /> <br />OMB ; Q(I1o.OO1 <br />EXPtAES~ )UN!; :10 <br /> <br />Tn.. I\>IftI .. I.. be VIed for: 1) P08t~IAM _truc:1on 0lIIy ""*' IIw bas 11004 Infcl11M'tloft It swaø.bl. fa< Ihe buJrdlng -; om<! 2J P,.,rIIlM buildlng1 n.lK valnø P08t-FIRM nw.. <br />InttrudIo.. for com-lInG this form c:an 1M r...,11d c" 1M -.. aIde. <br />.. <br /> <br />Max,& Joann Ganser <br />'eUlt:.OiNG OWNER"& AAMe <br /> <br />~one <br />SiAm ADDRESS <br /> <br />paUl. -t' NUt1ø~R <br /> <br />None <br />.^Þt...vUnit-U SuI\e.SlilldQ...ø <br /> <br />Tract No.3 NE Còrner of <br />omER ~IP11ON (8Ioc:k and 101 nUllJbena- -) <br /> <br />HArwood <br /> <br />NO. . <br /> <br />RR #1 <br />ROUte <br /> <br />];\QX 305 AA <br />SOX MUM8ER <br /> <br />Section 17, Township l40.Nort~ Ranqe 49 West <br /> <br />CUy" <br /> <br />NP <br />!¡ï'A'rE <br /> <br />58042 <br />z P~ <br /> <br />This tonn 1$ '0 be cømpk tcd by . lttnd ~. øngiIrøor, or archiJect who ø lIuÍ/lorized by 6bltÏlllJW 1'0 CfJrtitY tl/evø.lJøn Ifllømu.tIon wtl811 lb. elðVtJliÒn <br />Inlonnation for %MÐS Ar...uo. ÃE. AH. A(wItIi=9.V1.V30. Vi; and V(wlih SFEi) l:J ~tI, In fbo amr 01 ZOItIt JlO. tM tJultdJlIfI olffckJl. the property <br />owner, 0( lhe ~T'. RJpresentøtíve :r/JOfIJd ~fJ the infom1atfon In SecllolJ I and may ølso compI#IIIÞ the G'(Iffllicarfott. Community offldlJla who eTII <br />suthorlzod by /oQi/. htw or t1I'dirrJInr:e rtJ provIdtÞ in mBffllglt(llOtll in!onnarløn may ~ C«rIIJIitIe tIJJJJ lrNm. <br />. . ..SECTlON!' BUIlDING ~VATION INFORMATION <br /> <br />1. U:J1ng \tie ,Flood Insurance M~ual or Ute NFIP Flood Insumnço Application-Part 2 WOfbhoot. Indicate Ihe proper diagram number- <br />2. FIRM Zones A1-A30. AE. ~ A (with BFE). The top of the reCerençø IeYeI Root from the selectQd diagram Is et an <br />: elevation of R9t; - qñ + feat NGVD. (or- other datum-soe 15) , <br />3. RRM Zonos V1.Y30. VE, and V (Yrlth BFe). The bOttom of the lowest horizontallitructural member of the ruforence level floor from <br />, rhe selected diagram Is at an elevation of. fuot NGVD (or olher datum-see IS). <br />4. FIRM Zone AO. The floor used as !he reference lQvel from tho selected diagram Is LLI foot above highest natural grade ne1Ct to <br />the bulldlnQ (also enw In fine 8). ThIs 'IDlue must be aqua! to or greater U1an the AO Zone ßcJod deptb number Ifsted below. If 1'10 <br />. nGOd doplft number Is avaBable, is the building's low8$( ROOt (or reference level) elevated In accorcJanco with d'Ie community'. <br />: floodplain management ordinances? Dves DNo OUnknoWn . <br />5.lndlcaf' the elevation datum $'Y$tern used In determll'llng the above refarençe !eYet eløvatlons: ~NGVD oOllter (desaibe on back) <br />6. ~íçate the elevation d~tum system ~.'~.on the FlAM fOr base ßCIOd eføvallons: gNGW OOthor (describe on back) <br />fA TTENT1ON: If thø ølfmJl1øn ðlJlUm Ul1«1 In mflasuñng thfl erøvatlon8 Is dlffOfflftl ibM thar rnsed on Ihfl ARM. '/htHr the rÑØvatlOn:s proVldød <br />must ,. CØIWØfMJ Iø IfHÞ dØlm ..,.,.". uød on fho FIRMJ <br />7. Is the reference level based on aCtual constrUCtion? ŒJyes DNo- '- <br />, .. A "No" answer Is only vdd If the building doos not have tho reference level floor In place. FIB In the olevaUon based on construc. <br />tIon drawings and do not complete question '8. If "No" 1$ checked, Otis certification wID be valid only fOf buildings in the course 01 <br />construcUon. Aftor çonstructlon of me tefenmce level floor Is completed. 8 post-constructlon elevatJOt1 C9r1lrtcale wiD be required for <br />c::ontlnued flood If\$Ul'8nce coverage. " ' <br />8. Provide tho foflowlng measurements using the natura] grade next to the building (round to the nøare$\ foot). <br />, II. The reference 1eveI1s~ . b. ""'- garage floor (If applicable) 18: <br />. bcl!;Ifeet li'Iabove Obefow (check one) the higftest grade. Ils2Jfeet lSaabove Obolow (check one) the hignest gra<te. <br />UJfeet D.tIove O~ (check one) the Iowe$l. grade. Wfeet Oabove 0 below (cMck one) the rowest grado. <br /> <br />SECTIOH II FLOOD IItSUßANCI! ~ TE MAP INFOÃMA TlON <br /> <br />Provide. the foltowlng from the proper ARM (see InstrucUona on Þack~te of FIRM) and accompanying lr1$urance application: <br />- C()IIIMUHI{Y NO. pAAa. NO. SUFFiX. Pl'If: OF FIIUI FlAW ZONt:. -BASE Ft.ðOb'a&v. COMMUNrl~ {;;óI1MATEO ~FI.~ <br />'.. ',' (In HI z-. -......) ~V^11OH ESTASUSHED FOR' ZONe A <br />AH --U, ., -1) --"'" OR ZONE V. IF AVAIlA8L1! <br />.- 894.0 + <br />8evatJon referehC8 mark u~ appears on FIRM 8Yn 0 No (sò. rfM'rsB side for details) . . <br />- SECTION IU CeRTIFICATION . <br />'TII;$ CfH1i(ìCfJaQn í~ ft7 be $igtrêd þy " land ~, onøinsør, IX IllClliIOCt who i$ aulhorizrnJ by $falB' law 10 C6rf;fy elfMI/Jon In/otmatfon wtHm tho <br />.,.1fatiOrt IrItoI'nWIott 1« ~ A f-A3Ø. -"E. All. A(wiIII BR;;]. Vf-Y30. VE. IUId V{wlllJ BFa Is mqu/I'fId. In tht1 t:lWI of MJI'I18 AO. tile Þulldlng 01fIci.'. Ihe <br />pn¡pcrny ØM1*'. ðI ttIø ØtWNI"a UJp - ~ can .šgn tho èe1firï¡, _fion. Communlly off1dals wnø iliff authorlztJd by local law or to provtd. <br />IIoodplaitt -egømenll1tIotmIdIon. mey -- IIÍf1lJ rile ~ I CtNldy Ih.r llHJ #IIIøtmIIlIqn "" rhIs œrtilfaate r&f l'f HrIf$ my bøt ~ 10 Intøtpttlt <br />m. dØJ .~blff. I u""*tltlmd fha' 1m,. tIIlse 5flIlfmHltll ""!Y b8 punislratm1 by tlIIíI or ~ UtIdM' 18 V.s. CtxJf1. Set:lø 1001. <br /> <br />380257 <br /> <br />0005 <br /> <br />, . C <br /> <br />12/18/85 . <br /> <br />Thomas w. Be¡:QP <br />. CEATIF-'Á'SHAME <br /> <br />Re9iste~ed Lan~ Sur~eyor <br />, "ÏTU: <br /> <br />¡oS 2349 <br />IJOeNSE NUMBER (or AffIx Sa8l) <br /> <br />Lightowler Johnson Associates <br />COMPAtlY NAIE <br /> <br />70~Mai venue' ~ FaJ"Q'o - NO 58103 <br />ADOII'S8 .... ì '<:m' "' STAT ¡¡ ZIP <br />- U/ ~ :;&P - Septemb~r 21, 1989 (701) 293-1350 <br />SlGNAnJAE DATE PfiONE <br />TJië ~ 1Ig8" tftooII1I 8UIICII 1M 0dtIInIII ..., of tI18 ~18. ~ to Ih8 ... "'- ~ ~ TIM ~- copv 8hcIukt... ..,.,... to .n. <br />~~~ 1IIM!!!!!!!!!!d- !!!!& NC8IJMd rø ftt8I- TÞe (ØUIIb "........ w..... t-.t ----- - --- ... --.. - - ". ...- <br />