County Commission
Entry Properties
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3/7/2010 6:35:55 PM
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5/29/2009 11:17:11 AM
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Commission Minutes-June 1, 2009 3522 <br />Ben Huschka, Fargo City Assessor, was present. He said the city recommends retaining <br />the values on all three properties. He questioned whether the sales per square foot are <br />related to store management versus real estate values. Cost models are not based on <br />sales per square foot and he questioned what determines market rent. <br />Mr. Klein said determining property values on anchor stores is a complicated process. He <br />said according to the three representatives present today, appraisals on each of the stores <br />have not been obtained. He strongly encouraged appraisals to be done on the properties. <br />Mr. Klein distributed a list of five appeals received as of today from the following individuals: <br />Dave Peterson, 1517 5t" Street South, Fargo; Ed Powers, 1435 7t" Street South, Fargo; <br />Mark Mazaheri, 2709 10t" Street North, Fargo; Layne Brandt, 910 16t" Avenue West, West <br />Fargo; and Jon Schwendemann, 415 5t" Street, Mapleton. <br />Kyle Pender, representing Borg Residential LLC and West Port Beach Way Properties, was <br />present to discuss appeals on properties in Fargo and West Fargo. Mrs. Sorum suggested <br />Mr. Pender speak with Mr. Klein and provide him with information regarding the appeals. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Vanyo moved and Mr. Wagner seconded that the County Board of <br />Tax Equalization recess until June 15, 2009. Motion carried. <br />11. VOUCHERS, Approved <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Bennett moved and Mr. Vanyo seconded to approve Voucher No. <br />236,331 through Voucher No. 236,613. On roll call vote, the motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />12. VETERAN'S SERVICE OFFICER INTERVIEWS; METRO COG RETIREMENT; JOINT <br />CITY COUNTY MEETING; BUILDING COMMITTEE, Committee reports <br />Mrs. Johnson said interviews for the Veteran's Service Officer will be held June 2nd <br />beginning at 9:00 AM in the Commission Room. Three candidates will be interviewed for <br />the position. <br />Mrs. Johnson attended a retirement party last week for Bob Bright, Executive Director of the <br />Metropolitan Council of Governments (Metro COG). <br />Mrs. Johnson said Clay County will be hosting a joint luncheon meeting of the Fargo, <br />Moorhead, Cass County and Clay County boards on Thursday, June 25tH <br />Mr. Wagner said the Building Committee will meet on Thursday, June 11t". The committee <br />will discuss cost estimates and options for a Joint Public Safety Building. <br />13. CORRESPONDENCE, Received and filed <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Wagner moved and Mr. Vanyo seconded to receive and file <br />correspondence outlined by the secretary as follows: Motion carried. <br />- letter from the City of Fargo Engineering Department regarding a public hearing on a <br />joint project on U.S. Highway 81 (10t" Street) from 5t" Avenue South to NP Avenue <br />in Fargo; <br />
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