4. Tax Equalization board convenes
County Commission
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4. Tax Equalization board convenes
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A. Cenrd~rwide.Rperating Results and <br />Otlur eta: All Cutters <br />The super regional shopping center provides an exten- <br />sive variety of goods comparable to those found in the cen- <br />tral business distric# of a major metropolitan area, including <br />a wide selection of general merchandise, apparel, and home <br />furnishings, as well as a variety of services and recreational <br />facilities. The major occupants of a super regional center <br />include at least three full-11ne department stores. Each full- <br />line department store generally occupies an area of not <br />less than 75,000 square feet, although there are excep- <br />tions in small communities. In many Instances, the depart- <br />ment stores physically are part of the center but are inde- <br />pendently owned. <br />For reporting purposes, data on the 148 U.S, super <br />regional centers shown in Table 3-1 are separated into <br />three groups: center size, center sales, and operating <br />results. The figures do not represent industry averages; <br />however, the participating centers are a representative <br />group, and the results provide benchmarks that can be <br />valuable in analyzing shopping center operations. <br />Table 3-1 presents average, median, and docile amounts. <br />The average is the arithmetic mean of the values presented. <br />The median is the value at which an equal number of val- <br />ues fall below and above in an ascending series of values. <br />The lower and upper deciles are the values between which <br />t30 percent of all values fail. <br />Cent' ~ <br />Center size data include information pertaining to the over- <br />all size of the centers as follows: <br />• Total floor space-total GLA and all other areas of the <br />center, including any areas that are independently <br />owned or managed. <br />• Owned floor space--Gl~4 and ail other areas of the <br />center that are owned by the primary shopping center <br />management. <br />• Unowned floor space-GLA and ail other areas of <br />the center that are independently owned. <br />• Tradklonal department stores (owned and <br />unowned}-selling area of the center occupied by <br />traditional department stores, including stores that are <br />independently owned. <br />• Dlscount department stores (owned and unowned}-- <br />selling area of the center occupied by discount depart- <br />ment stores, including stores that are independently <br />owned. <br />• Ali other owned gross leasable area (GLA}-GlA <br />owned by the primary shopping center management, <br />excluding traditional and discount department stores. <br />• All other unowned gross leasable area (GLA)--GLA <br />that is independently owned, excluding traditional and dis- <br />count department stores. <br />Center Sales <br />Center sales data Include: <br />• Tradklonal department store sales--sales per square <br />foot for alt traditional department stores, including those <br />that era independently owned, that reported sales in this <br />survey. <br />• Dlscount department store sales-sales per square <br />foot for all discount department stores, including GLA <br />that is independently owned, that reported sales in this <br />survey. <br />• All other tenant sales-sales per square foot of ail <br />non-department store GLA, including GLA that is inde- <br />pendently owned, for tenants that reported sales in this <br />survey. <br />• Total sales-sales per square foot of all GLA, including <br />department stores and GLA that are independently <br />owned, for tenants that reported sales in this survey. <br />~leraallg Resa~llts <br />The last group, operating results, comprises operating <br />receipts, operating expenses, and net operating balance. <br />The computation of dollars per square foot is designed <br />to enable the reader to analyze results for the owned GLA <br />of a super regional shopping center, which means that <br />receipts and expenses attributable to department stores <br />and unowned areas must be evaluated separately. For a <br />more detailed description of the uses of the tables, see <br />Chapter 2, ''rise of Operating Reports: Methodology and <br />Formats:' <br />The data on the owned GLA should permit a more useful <br />comparison of the results of an individual center with results <br />from the participating centers. <br />• Operating Receipts <br />Shopping center income is divided into four major <br />categories: <br />• Total rent, comprising minimum and overage rents{ <br />income. <br />• Common area charges. <br />32 U.S. Super Regional Shopping Centers <br />Shopping Centers <br />
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