f. Contract approval
County Commission
Consent agenda
f. Contract approval
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4/28/2009 1:59:00 PM
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4/28/2009 1:57:39 PM
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the stairwell on the west side of the Annex building (hereinafter referred to as "Premises"). <br />Lessor shall provide the Equipment, nn site service, routine stocking, cashless accounting <br />system and associated Equipment to Lessee during the initial term in accordance with the teens <br />of this Agreement. Both parties agree that Lessor will pay to Lessee a monthly commission in <br />accordance with the following commission rates and initial vend prices: <br />Product Vend Price Commission Rate <br />12 az. cans -carbonated (except Enviga} $0.75 15% <br />Commissions are paid based upon cash collected, after deducting taxes, deposits, recycling <br />fees, other government-mandated fees, camrnunication charges and credit and debit card fees, if <br />any. Commissions shall not be payable on any sales from vending machines eat filled or <br />serviced exclusively by Lessor. Lessor may adjust the vend prices and/or commission rates as <br />necessary to reflect changes in its casts, including cost of goads. Commissions will be paid <br />each month following the month in which they are earned, with an accounting of all sales and <br />monies in a form reasonably satisfactory to the Lessee, and shall become immediate property of <br />Lessee. <br />Lessee agrees to furnish electrical connections to the Equipment during the Term. Both parties <br />agree that Lessor shall bear the entire cost of service and maintenance as required except that <br />Lessee shall bear the cost of electricity and other utilities required for proper operation of the <br />Equipment. <br />Lessor or its agent shall have the authority to enter the premises for purposes of installing, <br />servicing, repairing or removing Beverage vending Equipment leased pursuant to the provisions <br />of this Agreement. Lessor shall determine the location of each piece of Equipment after <br />consulting with Lessee and subject to the approval of Lessee. Lessee agrees not to change the <br />approved location of any piece of vending Equipment without the written consent of Lessor. <br />Lessor shall also have the right to enter the premises for purposes of removing the contents of <br />the vending Equipment. The exercise of any right under this paragraph shall be done according <br />to a schedule given to Lessor by Lessee. Lessor shall use all reasonable means to ensure that <br />such rights are exercised in a manner that does not interrupt or interfere with Lessee's business. <br />Lessee agrees that, during the Term of this Agreement, they will not, nor will they allow any <br />other person or Lessor to place food or beverage vending equipment an the premises without <br />the expressed written consent of Lessor. <br />Lessor shall service and maintain the vending Equipment under this Agreement as often as <br />necessary and keep the Equipment in good working condition, clean, and in good appearance. <br />Lessee agrees to notify Lessor promptly of any machine needing service, either from an out of <br />stock or out of order condition. Lessor agrees to respond to any out of order and out of service <br />calls within twenty four (24) hours of Lessor's receipt of such. service request and provide <br />return to service within forty eight (48}hours of Lessor's receipt of such request. <br />Lessee will not attempt to remove, withhold, dispose of, or damage the vending Equipment or <br />its contents and will notify Lessor immediately in the event the Equipment is not working, is <br />
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