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Technical Assistance grants help States and commu- <br />nities develop viable FMA applications and implement <br />projects. <br />PRE-DISASTER MITIGATION PROGRAM (PDM) <br />http://wvsro.fem <br />The Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Program is a nation- <br />ally cornpetitive program that provides funds to States and <br />communities, including Tribal governments, for hazard <br />mitigation planning and implementation of mitigation <br />projects prior to a disaster event. The PDM Program pro- <br />vides applicants with an opportunity to raise risk aware- <br />ness and reduce disaster losses through cost-effective haz- <br />ard mitigation activities. Communities and States must <br />have FEMA-approved mitigation plans in order to receive <br />project grant funds. <br />Eligible PDM activities include: <br />• Elevation of existing public or private structures <br />• Localized flood control projects that are designed spe- <br />cifically to protect critical facilities <br />• Protective measures for utilities <br />• Relocation of public or private structures <br />• Storrnwater management projects <br />• Vegetation management for natural dune restoration, <br />wildfire, or snow avalanche <br />• Structural and non-structural retrofitting <br />• Construction of safe rooms for public and private <br />structures <br />• Voluntary acquisition of real property <br />REPETITIVE FLOOD CLAIMS GRANT PROGRAM <br />(RFC) <br />http://www.fema. qov/government/arant/rfc/index <br />The Repetitive Flood Claims (RFC) Grant Program is de- <br />signed to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk of flood <br />damage to structures that are insured under the NFIP and <br />have had one or more claim payment(s) for flood dam- <br />ages. RFC funds may only be used to mitigate structures <br />located within a State or community that is participating <br />in the NFIP and cannot meet the requirements of the FMA <br />program due to lack of cost share or lack of capacity to <br />manage the activities. <br />Project grants are available for acquisition, structure <br />demolition, or structure relocation with the property deed <br />restricted for open space uses in perpetuity. <br />,~~°`a~: <br />~~~'~~~ FEMA <br />~~_~~A~f <br />The RFC grants are awarded to applicants on a nation- <br />wide basis without reference to State allocations, quotas, <br />or other formula-based allocations. All grants are eligible <br />for up to 100 percent Federal assistance. <br />Awards will be prioritized to fund acquisitions that create <br />the greatest amount of savings to the NFIF based on a <br />benefit-cost analysis. AFEMA-approved State/Tribal <br />standard or enhanced hazard mitigation plan is required <br />for eligibility; however, a local plan is not required. All <br />properties must be insured at the time of application. <br />SEVERE REPETITIVE LOSS PROGRAM <br />http://www. <br />The Severe Repetitive Loss (SRL) Program provides <br />funds to assist States, Indian Tribal governments, and lo- <br />cal governments participating in the NFIP in reducing or <br />eliminating the long-term flood risks to severe repetitive <br />loss properties, thus reducing outlays from the National <br />Flood Insurance Fund (NFIF). Severe repetitive loss was <br />defined by the Flood Insurance Reform Act (FIRA) of <br />2004. For a property to be designated SRL, it must: <br />• Be a residential property currently insured under the <br />National Flood Insurance Program <br />Have incurred flood losses that resulted in either (1) <br />four or more flood insurance claims payments that <br />each exceeded $5,000 with at least two of the pay- <br />ments occurring within a 10-year period, or (2) two or <br />more flood insurance claims payments that cumula- <br />tively exceeded the value of the property <br />SRL funds will be allocated annually to States, Territo- <br />ries, and Tribes based on the number of severe repetitive <br />loss properties in their respective jurisdictions. <br />Eligible SRL activities include: <br />• Elevation, relocation, or demolition of existing resi- <br />dential properties <br />• Floodproofing measures for historical properties <br />• Minor physical localized flood control projects <br />• Demolition and rebuilding of properties to at least the <br />Base Flood Elevation (BFE) or greater if required by <br />any local ordinance <br />Grants are eligible for up to a 75 percent Federal cost <br />share. The non-Federal cost share maybe adjusted to 10 <br />percent if the applicant has aFEMA-approved State miti- <br />gationplan that also addresses how the State has and will <br />continue to reduce the number of severe repetitive loss <br />properties. <br />SPRING/SUMMER 2008 PAGE 2 <br />