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<br />PRIZE RESTRIC11ONS: <br /> <br />A sin~e cash prize cannot exceecl $1,000 and total cash prizes for a raffle cannot exceed $3.000 In one day. <br /> <br />The retail value of a merchsnclse prize cannot exceed $2,600. <br /> <br />The total of all cash prizes and retan value of all merchancls6 prizes for all games cennotexceed $12,000 In a fiscal year July 1 <br />ttlrou!11 June 30. <br /> <br />If the value of the planned cash and merchandise prizes exceeds $12. 000, the organization must recllce the prizes to this limit or <br />apply for a state license with the Ofllce of Attorney General. <br /> <br />LOCAL PERMIT AND CHARITY LOCAL PERMT: <br /> <br />The maJor cln'erences between a local penn" and ch8l1ty local penn" ..: <br />Local Permit <br /> <br />~h.1ty Local p,rmt <br /> <br />Yes <br /> <br />Restrlcled <br /> <br />Bingo <br />Rames <br />Sports pools <br />Poker <br />Twenty-onl <br />Paddlev.t\eels <br /> <br />Compared to a "local penn"," an organl2:atlon with a "cherlty local p.nn"" may cohduct 3 more g8l'l1e types. buls reslrleted to 1 wenl per <br />yet!tf, mustllle an Infonnatton report WIth the city or couriy and ornc. of Attomey General, and must disburse net Income to elglble uses. <br />ThesI LiSts are described by North Dakota Century Code ~ 53-06.1-11.1(2) IIhd North Dakota Aclmlnlstredlve Code ~ 99-01.3-14-02. Refer <br />to the backside of the "Report on a Charily local Permit" fonn tor a general list of ellglbl. uses. <br /> <br />Number of events per year <br />Must ne an Irtonnallon report <br />May pay employees compensation <br />Must use chips as wagers <br />Use of net Income <br />Games aUow&d <br /> <br />LIm"ed by prizes <br />No <br />Yes <br />No <br />Unreslrlcted <br /> <br />One <br />Ves <br />No <br /> <br />Bingo <br />Ratrles <br />sports pools <br /> <br />For IIl:harlty local p8l'l111t, on. m.thod 10 ,"sur. ttlet th. total of an cash prizes and re'an wlu. of all merchendlte prizes do not exceed <br />$12,000 Is to charg. .ach player a standlll'd amoll'lt at the start of the event for a certaIn nlmber or wlu. of cHI'S. If II player loses all oflhe <br />player's l:h1ps, Iheplayer may chips. Thl player would play games and, 81 the end or the evenl. the organization would alll:tlon <br />merchandise prizes to the players. The player who bid 'he highest nllmber or value of chips for a prize would win that prtze. For those <br />players who haw chips but did not successfUlly bid on a prtze. the organl2:atIon may redeem the chIps for a predetermined cash value per <br />chip. For this method, the value of players' chips redHmed for cash Is nola prize. <br /> <br />INFORMAT10N REQUIRED TO BE PREPRIN 1ED ON A STANDARD RAFFLE nCKET: <br /> <br />1. Name of organization; <br />2, llcke' nllmb.r: <br />3. Prfce of the tleket. IncludIng any clscounted price: <br />4. PrIZe. description of l!II'I opllonalprlz' selectable by a WInning player, or option to con....rt II merchandltt prize to II cash prIZe <br />that Is limited to the lesser of the Vliue of 'he merchanclse prtze or one thousand dollars. Hnwever. If there Is Insllrnclent <br />space on a ticket to IIsl each minor prize that hilS II retail prtce not exceeding fifteen dollars, an organizatIon may state the lotal <br />I1.lmber d minor prIZes and their tollll retail price; <br />6. For a licensed organization. prtnt "otI'Ice or attolTlty gen.ral" and IIclnse number. For lll'l organlzatlon that has a permit. print <br />the authorizing city or county and pennllmmber; <br />6. A statement that a person Is not required 10 be presental a drav.tng to win: <br />7. Dale and time of the dr8lhfng or drer.vlngs and, If Ihl winnIng player Is announced later. date and lime or thet ennouncement. <br />For a callndar rde, If Ihl drawings are on II semi day of the WHk or m orth. print the day and tlm e of the drawing; <br />8. Location and street address oflhe drav.fng; <br />9. If a merchandise prize re~.J1res II '"Ie transfer InvoMng the departmert of transportetlon, a statement that a winning player Is <br />or Is not liable for sales or use tax: <br />10. If a purchase of a tlcklt or winning prize 'Is restrtcted to a person of minimum age. a stalemenlthat II person must be lit lesst <br />"_"years of 119' to blt)l a ticket. or win a prize; <br />11. A statement thaI a purchase of the ticket Is not a charitable donation: <br />12. If a secondary prize Is an unguaranteed cash or merchandise prize. a statement that the prtze Is nol guarlll1eed to be won and <br />odds of.....nnlng the prize based on numbers of chances: and <br />13. If a prize Is live beef or dlllry call1l, bison, sheep or pig, II stsemanl that the WInning player may convert the prtze to a cash <br />prlu that Is 11m lied to the lesser of Ihe value of lhe animal or one Ihousand dollan. <br />