11-17-2008 Agenda
Road Advisory Committee
11-17-2008 Agenda
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<br />NOVEMBER 17,2008 ROAD ADVISIORY COMMITTEE MEETING <br />SUPPIJEMENTAL INFORMATION <br /> <br />1. 2009 Lesdslativc Issues: Action <br />i'ti tliu.:: iu ~OiH:it the Committee's input and authorization to iobby on the County's hchaU' <br />during the upcoming legislative session on several i~:~:lles: <br /> <br />A.IIighw(lYY1L~lil!g: [believe it would he in Ihe ('Dimly':: be:,l intcn.::.;L Lu s'..>...:k <br />new CUii\liiig fur ihe iIighway Distribuli0il FUlid {'ruw the gellt:lal rum: or othcr <br />SOW'CI:S. <br /> <br />B. Sidc path Law: North Dakota State Law currcntly rcquircs bicycle ridcrs to <br />ride on the side path offthc road whcnever a side path exists (Including <br />sidew~lk~) 'I'hp c.;:101~ r~th !9.'."/s \,".r~!'l? (.)!!(2(.; f:!.i!'l~/ S0~!!l!)~ i~ ~t:~t~~. ~.1:':~jr ~t~t~~ <br />have repealcd this rule in response to the objcctions of cyclists and the liability <br />exposure which rcsults from mandatory use of facilities know to bc hazardous. I <br />understand the law has not been enforced in this arca so it historically has not <br />been a significant issue. During a recent corridor study, the possibility of <br />including a slightly widened lanc and/or a designated on strcet bicycle lanc was <br />diseusscd by the Committec. Follow-on conversations with the Fedcral I Iighway <br />Administration indicatcd that since NO has a side path law, FliW A could not <br />fund a bike lane bccause it would be a violation of state law to use on street bike <br />lane when a sidewalk exists. I recommend we work with othcr jurisdictions on the <br />repeal of this law. <br /> <br />C. Power Distribution: With realization of thc trcmcndous potcntial for North <br />Dakota wind cm;rgy it has also become apparcnt that the infrastructure to transmit <br />the powcr out ofthc gcneration is a significant chalkngc. I don't have a spccific <br />recommcndation on this mattcr at this point, but fcel it is somcthing that wc <br />should be supportivc of. I've enclosed a mcmo from Tim Solbcrg that providcs <br />additional pcrspective on it. (Attachment 1) <br /> <br />2. Possible Economic Stimulus Fundin2:: Action <br />I was contactcd by the North Dakota Department of Transportation last weck rcgarding <br />the possibility of an cconomic stimulus package being passed by thc Congress that <br />would include additional 2009 Federal highway funding. Whilc this could be vcry good <br />news, the downside is that ncw funds would likely havc to bc obligatcd within 90 days of <br />the legislation passing. I'll discuss this in morc detail during the meeting. The question <br />that I'm asking for your decision on is if wc wish to fund any of our potential future <br />projects early (in 2009) with thc stimulus funds. The two downsides of trying to <br />accelcratc projects are that wc would havc to fund thc local match funds which wcre not <br />included in thc 2009 budget and the fact that 90 days is a very ambitious schcdule to <br />obligate funds. <br />
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