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<br />Sep,12, 2008 8:03AM <br /> <br />Cass County HighwaY Dept. <br />CASS COllNTY HIGnWAY lJtl'ARTMENT <br />CONTRACT <br /> <br />No.2092 <br /> <br />p. 4/9 <br /> <br />l11is aj"rreemcnt made and entered into by Cl:LSS County, North lJakota, party of the first part, and <br />Industrial Uuilders. PO Box 406. Fargo. ND 58107-0406 party ofthe sectmd part (hereinalkrealled Contl"aetor), WITNESSETH; <br /> <br />1, That for and in consideration ofthe pa.yments tn he made by the party of the first part, the contractor promises and agrees to <br />furnish and deliver all labor, equipment, and materials, and to payor cause to be paid as they become due, all claims till' any work, 111>01', <br />materials, equipment, including el.juipment rental or repair, and other supplies or insw'aJ1ce premiums, all of which are atn'ibutable to or <br />uti I ized in and about the improvement and construction of a bridge at 5 Addison/32 Durhin In accordance and in enntclll11ity with the <br />provisions lll'this cllntract, the standard specification, supplemental specifications, special provisions, and the limits of the project as <br />outlined in hldustrial Builders Proposal dated Septen\ber 9,2008 nfwhich is hereby made a part of this agrcclnent as fully and tn the <br />samc el1cct as ifthe same had been set forth in the body of this agreement. References in the ~~nd.ard Specitications tor Road and <br />UridGe COllstru~ti.~m, 2002 edition, to the North OttkoLa [)cpartment nfTransportation or lJepartment must be construed as rcferring to <br />the owner. Likewise, a reference by the same works to engineer or director mllst be construed as relcrring to the owner of the project.. <br /> <br />2. The party of the first part agrees and promises to pay to the Contractor for said wllrk, whcn completed and accepted ill <br />accordance with thc provisions of this C()nlract, the price set forth in the said proposal, amounting approximately to <br />Twenty Two Tholls,md Five Hundred and No/l 09. ,,($22,500.00..), paymL'YlL'l to be made as provided in said specilicatilms upon <br />presentation of the proper certificates of the County Engineer, or his representatives, and under the temlS oftltis contract.. <br /> <br />3. The said work shall be done in accordance with the temlS of this c(mtra.ct, and the laws nnhe State ol'Nurth Dakota, under <br />direct supervision and to the entire satisfaction ofthc County Highway lJepartment, sllbject at all times to the inspection and approval of <br />the engineer. <br /> <br />4. The decisiun of the engineer upnn questions connected with the execution of this agreement or any failure or delay ill the <br />prosecution of the work by the Contract.or shall be tinal and conclusive. <br /> <br />5, In the employment of labor, other thing.'l heing el.jual, prcferCtlCe shall be given to honol'ably discharged Veterans (lfthe <br />Armed Forces, and bona fide North Dakota residents, as detemtined by NDCC Secti<m 43.07.20. <br /> <br />6. The Contractor shall begin conSUllction work when so ordered by the Cass County Highway lJeparunent and shall mainLain <br />at all times thereon a maximum and efficient working force necessat)' to complete the work within the time established by this contract.. <br /> <br />f <br />o. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties to this contract have set their hands and seal this <br />2008 <br /> <br />day <br /> <br />CASS COUNTY NORTH DAKOTA <br /> <br />Chainnan, Cass County Huard ()rC()mmi~si()mlr~ <br /> <br />Conlraclor <br /> <br />WI'INIJSS TO CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATITRE <br /> <br />By <br /> <br />Title <br /> <br />J:\ADMIN.ENCJWC,lRMS\( :ONTKA( T SITE:I 5 AI)I)ISON..U m JRHIN.I )OC <br />