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<br />management, courthouse security, etc.) should not be supported with these funds. If such ../ <br />shared operational costs are partially funded with these revenues, it is recommended that a V'" <br />reasonable formula based upon the relative amount of staffing, space or other factors be <br />established by the governing body. This formula should be documented and consistently <br />applied. Emergency services communication operational costs may include: <br /> <br />a. actual administrative costs of telecommunications providers for collecting the fee, <br />(withheld by the provider prior to remittance) within the restrictions of State law, <br />b. 9-1-1 database fees and maintenance charges including provider fees for database <br />changes, <br />c. telecommunication service fees including transport charges, "meet-point" charges, <br />selective routing, and long-distance charges incurred due to transferring 9-1-1 <br />calls to other jurisdictions, <br />d. Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) facility operation, including land and <br />building purchase, construction, lease or rent, utilities, maintenance, repair, and <br />remodeling essential for the support of the communication and 911 coordination <br />functions, <br />e. Contracts with another state or local government entity or private provider for <br />dispatch, coordination, and other allowable ESCS costs, <br />f. Contracts for the implementation of 911 service for wireless, V oIP, and other <br />emerging telecommunication technologies, including reasonable cost recovery for <br />providers, <br />g. consulting services for data acquisition, planning and ESCS implementation and <br />maintenance, <br />h. training fees and associated travel costs for staff identified in subsection 2, <br />1. office supplies, furniture, postage, dues, subscriptions, maps, copier, paper, <br />training materials and responder guides for PSAP operation and 911 Coordinator <br />support, and <br />J. public educational materials regarding 9-1-1 services and access with the specific <br />purpose of informing the public, including children, how to access emergency <br />services, the limitations of certain communication technologies, and the use of <br />public emergency notification systems. <br />k. Vehicle costs (either mileage or appropriate portion of vehicle purchase and <br />maintenance) for ESCS support activities such as establishing and verifying <br />addresses, installing/inspecting street signage, remote communication device <br />testing and repair. <br /> <br />EXPENDITURES NOT ALLOWED: <br /> <br />The following items are not considered eligible expenditures for these funds: <br />a. responder equipment, <br />b. responder vehicles including fire engines, ambulances, law enforcement vehicles, or <br />other emergency vehicles, and <br />c. support of private communication providers to enhance their coverage area. <br />