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<br />Hardly seems equalization and uniformity when Rocking H land is valued almost <br />double compared to competing, neighboring storage properties. <br /> <br />2nd. Mr. Klein's narrative to the board states that "A proper income analysis considers the <br />expected income and expenses for the current year and not prior years". <br /> <br />We disagree. A proper income analysis IS an accurate analysis, which includes <br />"actuals", NOT projections. A bank requested appraisal Is almost always based on projections and <br />best case scenarios. A 'true' valuation is based on actual, which Is what was provided to Mr. Klein and <br />the City of Fal'lo. Furthermore, if taken in the context of Mr. Klein's narrative - 2007 actuals were <br />used in this appeal for the 2008 evaluation which was how this appeal began - over the 2007 tax <br />valuation - it only changed to the 2008 valuation (which went up another 2% over 2007) after <br />confusion over time frames of appeal when working with the City of Fal'lo. Either way, actual are <br />always better for an income method of valuation. <br /> <br />Based on the 2007 actuals - the value for said property could be al'lued to be less <br />than $800,000.00 from the City of Fal'lo's property valuation I <br /> <br />3rd. Mr. Klein had requested actual construction cost for newly constructed buildings on said <br />property from 2005-2007. The actual contractor costs were provided. Mr. Klein's narrative states - "the <br />actual construction costs versus Fargo estimates are not significantly different if one adjusted for <br />contractor Drofit. DavinQ: costs. and historical cost adiustment". <br /> <br />We disagree. The actual construction costs ARE the costs. There were contractor <br />profits assumed to be built Into each contractor's accepted bids. There was no General Contractor - <br />we hired the Individual contractors - there should be no penalty for an owner to hire their own <br />contractors. Paving costs (were told to Rocking H from the City of Fal'lo) were Included In Building l's <br />valuation, which upon review were accurate. Historical cost adjustments - this was never discussed in <br />any meeting and we have no idea what Mr. Klein is referring to. <br /> <br />Based on these actual construction cost - the values for the newly constructed <br />buildings should be lowered. <br /> <br />4th. Mr. Klein's narrative, page two, refers to Five Star office as "fairly large and better <br />quality office space". Five Star office is valued at $84.07 per sq ft (2007). A competing, neighboring <br />property has two larger office/retail buildings AND are income producing - they are valued at a little <br />over $58/sq ft and an adjacent office/retail building is valued at little over $48/sq ft. <br /> <br />We disagree. Hardly seems equalization when Five Star office is valued at more than <br />$100,000.00 more than competing, neighboring properties. Upon their site inspection, we hope that <br />their 'view' was not tainted by my wife's tasteful decorating - certainly it should not be part of the <br />buildings valuation. <br />