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<br />ll. ATTENDANT CARE COMPONENT <br /> <br />A. Definition <br /> <br />Attendant Care is defined as the constant supervision of a juvenile in a non-physically secure <br />setting by a trained attendant. For the purposes of SDSS reimbursements, Attendant Care can be <br />provided directly by any county, Tribe, or private agency authorized by the county or Tribe, that <br />has been approved by the juvenile court to provide the service. All jurisdictions requesting <br />SDSS reimbursements are to designate an individual who is authorized to approve, coordinate, <br />and direct the use of Attendant Care services. It is anticipated that this will often be the county <br />sheriff. <br /> <br />B. Description of Setting <br /> <br />Attendant Care sites will typically be a single room located in a non-secure public facility, or in <br />a non-secure area of a public facility. Potential facilities include a police station, law <br />enforcement center, sheriffs department office, health center, other local or state public agency, <br />a private social service office, or interested private business. To be eligible for reimbursement <br />through the SDSS program, the local jurisdiction or private provider must obtain approval from <br />DJS of any Attendant Care site. <br /> <br />Each Attendant Care site must provide: <br />1. A minimum of eighty square feet of floor space for the first juvenile and an additional <br />fifty square feet for each additional juvenile supervised; <br />2. Access to bathroom facilities; <br />3. Chairs and/or couches sufficient to allow all juveniles and attendants a place to sit down; <br />4. Access to telephone or other communications for contact of backup or emergency <br />personnel; <br />5. The capability to prepare meals or have meals delivered; and <br />6. Adequate lighting to allow visual supervision of juveniles at all times. <br /> <br />Additionally, the site (including furnishings) must comply with all federal, state, and local fire, <br />sanitation, safety, and health codes. The site must also comply with any applicable zoning <br />requirements for such facilities. <br /> <br />The Attendant Care provider may request funds from DJS for minor remodeling or renovation of <br />an Attendant Care site. Upon DJS approval of the proposed renovation, the provider will be <br />eligible to receive reimbursement of one-half (50%) of the costs. <br /> <br />Total (100 percent) reimbursement for furnishings and equipment for Attendant Care sites is also <br />available upon DJS approval. The furnishings may include basic items such as a couch, chairs, <br />reading lamps, a table, carpeting, a radio, television, and paint. As some areas have experienced <br />a great deal of community interest and support for Attendant Care projects, the possibility of <br />local donations for these items to increase community involvement should be considered before <br />requesting DJS reimbursement. <br /> <br />The provider will be responsible for such on-going expenses such as telephone bills, heating, and <br />electricity . <br /> <br />July 2008 - Page 3 <br />