County Commission
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<br />Commission Minutes-July 7, 2008 3373 <br /> <br />6. EXTENSION SERVICES, Recruitment process <br />Duane Hauck, Director of NDSU Extension, was present to discuss the recruitment and <br />selection process for a new extension agent. He thanked the commission for their on-going <br />support and said the partnership with county government truly makes their department work. <br />Brad Cogdill will resign as Extension Agent and County Department Chair, effective August <br />1, 2008. Mr. Cogdill has accepted a position as Chairman for the 4-H Youth Development <br />and District Director for Cass and Richland Counties. <br /> <br />Mr. Hauck said a 50/50 partnership exists for budgeting of extension programs. The county <br />provides 50% of the salary and operating support; NDSU, with state and federal resources, <br />provides the other 50% of the salary and fringe benefits support for all county extension <br />agents. NDSU is recommending John Kringler be appointed the new County Department <br />Chair effective August 1, 2008, and a selection committee will begin a search to fill the <br />vacant extension agent position. Mr. Hauck said any extension agent may serve as county <br />department chair and Mr. Kringler has been chosen due to his experience and years of <br />service with Cass County Extension Services. Mr. Hauck said the county department chair <br />is not considered a position, but rather an additional responsibility for the appointed person. <br /> <br />Mr. Vanyo serves as portfolio commissioner for Extension Services and is willing to visit with <br />Mr. Cogdill and Mr. Hauck regarding the recruitment process. <br /> <br />Mr. Bennett asked if NDSU plans to re-Iocate the Extension Service Office to the NDSU <br />campus. Mr. Hauck understands the county has space issues, but at this time, he does not <br />anticipate the office re-Iocating. <br /> <br />7. ATTENDANT CARE PROGRAM, Item tabled until next meetinCl <br />Bonnie Johnson, County Administrator, provided background information on the Attendant <br />Care program. Janell Regimbal and Christi Ireland from Lutheran Social Services (LSS) <br />were present, as well as Sheriff Paul Laney, Juvenile Detention Supervisor AI Kulesa and <br />Social Services Director Chip Ammerman. <br /> <br />Mrs. Johnson said the program began in Cass County in the early 1990's so law <br />enforcement officials could drop off juveniles at one single location and allow experts at the <br />location determine where the children needed to be placed-Juvenile Detention, Social <br />Services protective care or Attendant Care. The program has been successful, thanks in <br />large part to Lutheran Social Services. Mrs. Johnson spoke with Sheriff Laney on June 19, <br />2008, regarding new costs associated with Attendant Care. She said while Cass County <br />has not received rent for the space provided for Attendant Care, the county received <br />services at no cost for children placed in attendant care rather than shelter care. <br /> <br />Effective July 2008, the North Dakota Association of Counties (NDACo) and Division of <br />Juvenile Services issued new guidelines, which included a new request for payment based <br />on the number of children being placed in Attendant Care by Cass County Social Services <br />that ultimately belonged in shelter care. Mrs. Johnson said Social Services staff was <br />informed of the change around the beginning of this year and several meetings have been <br />held to discuss the issue. <br /> <br />Sheriff Laney said the Attendant Care facility has been crucial for law enforcement to have a <br />place to bring juveniles which is located within the Juvenile Detention facility. The program <br />has worked very well since its inception. <br />
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