1. Tax Equalization Bd convenes
County Commission
Regular agenda
1. Tax Equalization Bd convenes
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<br />57-11-07. Effect of failure of board to meet. The failure of the board of equalization to hold <br />its meeting does not vitiate nor invalidate any assessment or tax except as to the excess of valuation or <br />tax thereon shown to have been made or levied unjustly. <br /> <br />CHAPTER 57-12 <br />COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION <br /> <br />57-12-01. Membership of board - Meeting - Required attendance of certain officials. The <br />board of county commissioners shall meet within the first ten days of June of each year and shall <br />constitute a board of equalization of the assessments made within the county. The chairman of the <br />board shall preside. The county board of equalization shall conduct a continuous day-to-day meeting, <br />not to include Saturdays, Sundays, or legal holidays, until it has completed all duties prescribed by this <br />c~apter. The first order of business must be the equalization of assessments of property assessed by <br />city boards of equalization. The second order of business must be the equalization of assessments of <br />property assessed by township boards of equalization. The chairman of each city board of <br />equalization, or the chairman's appointed representative, and each city assessor must be present at <br />such meeting during the first order of business. The chairman of each township board of equalization, <br />or the chairman's appointed representative, and each township assessor must be present at such <br />meeting during the second order of business. Each person required by this section to attend the <br />meeting of the county board of equalization must be compensated at a rate not to exceed ten dollars <br />per day for each day actually and necessarily spent in attendance at such meeting plus the same <br />mileage and expenses as are, authorized for subdivision employees and officials. Such per diem and <br />expenses must be paid by the city or township in the same manner as other city or township expenses <br />are paid. <br /> <br />57-12-01.1. Spot checks of real property. Prior to the annual meeting of the county board of <br />equalization, the board of county commissioners of each county within this state shall provide for spot <br />checks upon property within each county to properly verify the accuracy of the real property listings and <br />valuations. The spot checks must be reviewed by the county boards of equalization at their annual <br />meeting in June and such boards shall make the necessary corrections in the property assessment <br />listings and valuations. Such changes in the assessments must be made in accordance with the <br />provisions of this chapter. <br /> <br />In case any person whose duty it is to list property with the assessor refuses to list such <br />property or intentionally omits a portion of such property in the person's listing as indicated by the spot <br />check, the county boards of equalization, as a penalty for such refusal or omission, may make an <br />added assessment on such property of twenty-five percent in excess of its true valuation. <br /> <br />The board of county commissioners may select such persons or agencies as may be necessary <br />to carry out the provisions of this section and provide for their compensation. <br /> <br />57-12-02. Duties of board as to assessments In unorganized territory. The members of <br />the board of county commissioners also shall meet as a board of equalization as respects all <br />assessments made in assessment districts not embraced in a city or organized township, and shall <br />perform the duties prescribed for a township board of equalization as respects unorganized territory, <br />and such board must be regarded as the local board of equalization for such territory. <br /> <br />57-12-03. Duties of county auditor. The county auditor shall act as clerk of the county board <br />of equalization and shall keep an accurate journal or record of the proceedings and orders of said <br />board, showing the facts and evidence upon which its action is based. Such record must be published <br />as other proceedings of the board of county commissioners are published, and a copy of such <br />published proceedings must be transmitted to the state tax commissioner with the abstract of <br />assessment required by law. <br /> <br />57-12-04. Duties of board. At its meeting, the county board of equalization shall examine and <br />compare the assessments returned by the assessors of all the districts within the county and shall <br />proceed to equalize the same throughout the county between the several assessment districts. <br /> <br />63 <br />
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