h. Contract approval
County Commission
Consent agenda
h. Contract approval
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3/11/2008 11:24:16 AM
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3/11/2008 11:23:57 AM
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<br />the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or correct sequencing ofthe <br />information is not guaranteed by COUNTY. There may be delays, <br />interruptions, omissions or inaccuracies in the receipt of the public <br />information. The USER agrees that the COUNTY shall have no liability, <br />contingent or otherwise, for the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or the <br />correct sequencing of the data, or for any decision or action taken by <br />USER in reliance upon the data. THERE IS NO WARRANTY OF <br />MERCHANTABILITY, NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR <br />PARTICULAR USE, AND NO OTHER WARRANTY OF ANY <br />KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE <br />INFORMATION OR ANY ASPECT OF THE SERVICE. <br /> <br />5. FEES AND PAYMENT <br />The COUNTY in said Exhibit A shall set forth costs, billing and payment <br />information, and the type(s) of public information which the COUNTY will <br />permit the USER to access. USER shall be responsible for the payment of the <br />GIS web mapping system fees and support charges. USER will be billed by <br />the COUNTY on a one time-basis for the fees and as needed for support <br />charges. The bill shall show the GIS web mapping system fees or support <br />charges. Payment shall be made by USER within thirty (30) days after receipt <br />of each said bill. <br /> <br />6. FEE CHANGES AND CANCELLATION <br />During the contract period, the COUNTY may change any portion of the <br />fee/charges, provided that a thirty (30) days written notice must be given to <br />the USER prior to the effective dates of said fee/charge change. Any <br />fee/charge so changed will appear on the appropriate billing. If USER had <br />been authorized access to more than one type of public information, it may, <br />upon thirty (30) days' written notice to the COUNTY cancel any of them at <br />any time, provided that if all such access is so cancelled by USER, the GIS <br />Usage fees and support charges set forth in said Exhibit A shall continue <br />unabated unless and until the contract is cancelled in accordance with the <br />terms of Paragraph 7 hereof. The USER may request of the COUNTY that <br />access to additional public information be authorized. The COUNTY reserves <br />the right to designate what specific public information is available for online <br />inquiry via the COUNTY Computer Network. The USER will be limited to <br />these choices until the COUNTY specifies additional computer access to other <br />public information. If USER cancels any such access or ifthe COUNTY <br />assents to any request for additional access, the COUNTY shall set forth such <br />information in an exhibit which shall be dated, bear this contract number, bear <br />an exhibit letter in proper sequence to Exhibit A, and be attached hereto. At <br />the COUNTY'S option, however, any such public information access change <br />may be affected through a formal amendment hereof, including therein an <br />amendment to Exhibit A. USER agrees that if there is a change in the File <br />Inquiry fee, as above set forth, USER will pay the changed File Inquiry fee, as <br />well as any other charge or fee that is changed, after notification of the <br />change, as above provided, unless this contract is cancelled prior to the <br />effective date of any such change. <br />
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