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<br />SUBJECT: OVER DIMENSION VEHICLE REGULATIONS <br />ADOPTED DATE: FEBRUARY 19, 2008 <br /> <br />PAGE 5 OF 23 <br /> <br />1-07. Peace officers may weigh vehicle to determine load - decreasing gross weight of <br />vehicle <br />Every peace officer, including members of the state highway patrol, having reason to <br />believe that the weight of a vehicle and the load carried thereon is unlawful, may weigh <br />such vehicle and load or have the same weighed either by means of portable or stationary <br />scales, and for that purpose the officer may require the vehicle to be driven to the nearest <br />scales. Such officer may require the driver of such vehicle immediately to unload such <br />portion of the load as may be necessary to decrease the gross weight to the maximum <br />allowed by the provisions of this policy. <br /> <br />1-08. Penalty for violation of chapter <br />Any person violating any of the provisions of sections 04, 05, or 06 must be assessed a fee <br />of one hundred dollars. Any person violating any other provision of this chapter, for which a <br />specific penalty is not provided, must be assessed a fee of fifty dollars. These fees are in <br />addition to the applicable charges for extraordinary road use listed in section 16 of this <br />policy. <br /> <br />1-09. Impounding overweight vehicle <br />Any vehicle found to have been moved or used upon any highway, street, or road in this <br />state at a weight exceeding the limitations as specified in any order, ordinance, or <br />resolution issued under this policy may be impounded by any peace officer and taken to a <br />warehouse or garage for storage. <br /> <br />1-10. Impounding receipt - Information <br />A receipt must be given by the officer impounding the vehicle, to the driver or person in <br />charge of such vehicle. Such receipt must identify, as nearly as possible, the owner of the <br />vehicle and cargo, the driver or person in charge of such vehicle, the cargo, the place the <br />vehicle is to be stored during impoundment, the weight of the loaded vehicle and the name <br />and address of the impounding officer. Information as to the owner of the vehicle and <br />cargo must be obtained from the driver or person in charge of the vehicle. <br /> <br />1-11. Impounding notice - Perishables <br />The impounding officer shall notify the owner or owners, if they can be found, by wire or <br />telephone, of the impoundment and the charges involved. If the cargo consists of <br />perishables, the impounding officer shall use reasonable diligence in assisting the <br />operator or owner in finding suitable storage facilities for such perishables, but all risk of <br />loss or damage to such perishables must be upon the owner, operator, or lessee of such <br />vehicle. <br /> <br />1-12. Civil complaint. <br />The state's attorney shall, if no settlement is made under section 13, immediately prepare <br />and file a civil complaint on behalf of the authority having jurisdiction of the road whereon <br />the violation occurred, for the purpose of recovering charges for the extraordinary use of <br />the highways, streets, or roads of this county. <br />