3. Second reading-amended ordinance #2005-2
County Commission
Regular agenda
3. Second reading-amended ordinance #2005-2
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<br />SUBJECT: OVER DIMENSION VEHICLE REGULATIONS <br />ADOPTED DATE: FEBRUARY 19,2008 <br /> <br />PAGE 3 OF 23 <br /> <br />1-05 Legal weight limitations <br /> <br />A. Gross vehicle weight on the Cass County Highway System. <br />The gross vehicle weight of any vehicle or combination of vehicles is determined by <br />the following weight formula of <br /> <br />W = 500* (LN/N-1 + 12N + 36) <br /> <br />where W equals maximum weight in pounds carried on any group of two or more <br />axles; L equals distance in feet between the extremes of any group of two or more <br />consecutive axles; and N equals number of axles in the group under consideration <br />except that two consecutive sets of tandem axles may carry a gross load of 34,000 <br />pounds each, providing the overall distance between the first and last axles of the <br />consecutive sets of tandem axles is at least 36 feet. The maximum gross vehicle <br />weight on the county highway system is 105,500 pounds. <br /> <br />B. Axle weight on the Cass County Highway System. <br />1) No single axle shall carry a gross weight in excess of 20,000 pounds. Axles <br />spaced 40 inches or less apart are considered one axle. Axles spaced eight <br />feet apart or over are considered as individual axles. (The gross weight of two <br />individual axles may not exceed 40,000 pounds.) Spacing between axles <br />shall be measured from axle center to axle center. <br />2) Axles spaced over 40 inches apart and less than eight feet apart shall not <br />carry a gross weight in excess of 17,000 pounds per axle. The gross weight <br />of three or more axles in a grouping may not exceed 48,000. <br />3) During the spring season or on otherwise posted highways reductions in the <br />above axle weights may be specified. Axle weights may also be reduced by <br />the bridge load limitations posted at individual bridges. <br /> <br />C. Wheel weight. <br />The weight in pounds on anyone wheel shall not exceed one-half the allowable axle <br />weight. Dual tires are considered one wheel. <br /> <br />D. Tire weight. <br />The weight per inch width of tire shall not exceed 550 pounds. The width of tire for <br />solid tires shall be the rim width; for pneumatic tires, the manufacturer's width. Metric <br />tire sizes are converted to inches by dividing millimeters by 25.4 <br /> <br />E. Permits for non-divisible loads. <br />The gross weight limitations do not apply to equipment the commissioners or <br />highway department approve for exemption. For every vehicle approved for <br />exemption, the county highway department shall issue a nontransferable permit. The <br />county highway department or sheriff's department may charge a fee for the permit. <br />
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