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<br />RESOLUTION #2008-1 <br /> <br />CERTIFYING AS A LIEN AGAINST REAL ESTATE PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES <br /> <br />WHEREAS, The North Dakota State Legislature, in Chapter 57-22 of the North Dakota <br />Century Code, has a process by which counties can, by resolution, create <br />a specific lien on particular descriptions of real property owned by the tax <br />debtor of personal property taxes, and; <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Personal property taxes of David B. and Lauretta M. Bedford d/b/a Valley <br />Kitchen remain unpaid, and; <br /> <br />WHEREAS, David B. and Lauretta M. Bedford have an interest in real property (Valley <br />Kitchen) described as Lots 22 and 23 as originally platted less the <br />following for highway right of way: Beginning at a point of the existing <br />Northerly right of way line of Main Avenue and the Easterly line of Lot 22 <br />then North 2 degrees 12 minutes 14 seconds West assumed bearing <br />along the Easterly line of said Lot 22 for a distance of 13.82 feet then <br />North 81 degrees 10 minutes 59 seconds West for a distance of 47.69 feet <br />to a point of intersection with the existing Northerly right of way line of <br />Main Avenue then South 66 degrees 5 minutes 55 seconds East along the <br />existing Northerly right of way line of Main Avenue for a distance of 52.13 <br />feet to the point of beginning of Goodman's Subdivision to the City of <br />Fargo; <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of <br />Cass County North Dakota, that the personal property taxes of David B. and Lauretta M. <br />Bedford d/b/a Valley Kitchen in the amount of $2,692.73 be made a specific lien on Lots <br />22 and 23 as originally platted less the following for highway right of way: Beginning at <br />a point of the existing Northerly right of way line of Main Avenue and the Easterly line of <br />Lot 22 then North 2 degrees 12 minutes 14 seconds West assumed bearing along the <br />Easterly line of said Lot 22 for a distance of 13.82 feet then North 81 degrees 10 <br />minutes 59 seconds West for a distance of 47.69 feet to a point of intersection with the <br />existing Northerly right of way line of Main Avenue then South 66 degrees 5 minutes 55 <br />seconds East along the existing Northerly right of way line of Main Avenue for a <br />distance of 52.13 feet to the point of beginning of Goodman's Subdivision to the City of <br />Fargo. <br /> <br />APPROVED: <br /> <br />Ken Pawluk, Chairman <br />Cass County Board of Commissioners <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br />Michael Montplaisir, Auditor <br />Cass County, North Dakota <br /> <br />P:\Commission Minutes\MINUTES\Comm2008\#2008-1 TAX L1EN.doc <br />