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<br />the centerline of 32nd Avenue South to the centerline of South University Drive, thence <br />north on South University Drive to the centerline of 30th Avenue South, thence east on <br />the centerline of 30th Avenue South extended to the centerline of the Red River, thence <br />north on the Red River to the point of beginning. <br /> <br />46-02 <br /> <br />Beginning at the centerline of the Red River and the centerline of 30th Avenue South <br />extended, thence west on the centerline of 30th Avenue South to the centerline of South <br />University Drive, thence south on the centerline of South University Drive to the <br />centerline of 32nd Avenue South, thence west on the centerline of 32nd Avenue South <br />to the centerline of 25th Street South, thence south on the centerline of 25th Street <br />South to the centerline of 52nd Avenue South, thence west on the centerline of 52nd <br />Avenue South to the centerline of Cass County Drain number 53, thence south on the <br />centerline of Cass County Drain number 53 to the centerline of 64th Avenue South, <br />thence east on the centerline of 64th Avenue South to the centerline of South University <br />Drive, thence north on the centerline of South University Drive to the centerline of 52nd <br />Avenue South, thence east on the centerline of 52nd Avenue South to the centerline of <br />the Red River, thence north on the Red River to the point of beginning. <br />